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Saya mencantumkan 11 strategi perdagangan celah termudah bagi Anda untuk mencoba setelan Gap trading setiap gaya perdagangan, Dari perdagangan hari ke perdagangan opsi. Jika Anda tidak tahu apa kesenjangannya, pertama dapatkan panduan gratis saya, Metode Gap Bacalah sepanjang jalan sebelum Anda membaca strategi perdagangan gap di bawahnya. Gantungkan kesenjangan perdagangan adalah mungkin, menguntungkan, dan Mudah Hampir setiap saham dibuka pada harga yang berbeda dari pada penutupan Jika Anda bertaruh ke arah kesenjangan yang mengisi setiap hari, Anda akan benar hampir 100 dari waktu. Jika saham terbuka lebih tinggi daripada yang ditutup kemarin Ay, pendekkan saham Jika terbuka lebih rendah, belilah saham Tutup posisi Anda segera setelah celah terisi. Pegang hampir selalu tepat. Butuh sejumlah besar uang untuk memulai.2 Perdagangan Pilihan. Perdagangan uang bisa jadi rumit karena Dari sejumlah besar opsi strategi perdagangan Selain pilihan panggilan dan opsi sederhana, yang memungkinkan Anda 100 kali leverage saham tanpa harga, Anda memiliki metode untuk menghasilkan pendapatan langsung, keuntungan dari waktu, dan bahkan keuntungan dengan menebak saham s Wilayah perdagangan pada tanggal tertentu Sebagian besar pilihan pedagang mulai dengan panggilan sederhana, mendapatkan sebanyak 100 kali keuntungan yang didapat pembeli saham, namun Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan strategi perdagangan opsi lainnya. Secara keseluruhan, dengan opsi trading, Anda memiliki banyak pilihan yang dimaksudkan. , Untuk opsi trading pada gap, saya akan menyusun strategi pilihan utama yang tersedia untuk Anda Bacalah yang berikut ini untuk daftar strategi yang berguna dalam options trading.3 Credit Spread. Dalam spread kredit, Anda menjual satu opsi dan membeli sebuah Lain, lebih murah, pilihan Dengan cara ini, Anda kembali menghasilkan uang dengan opsi yang dijual dan melindungi diri dari kehilangan pada opsi yang dibeli. Untuk kesenjangan, paling baik Anda memainkan ini pada celah yang memisahkan diri yang terlihat seperti akan menjauh dari celah. Penghasilan instan, perlindungan terhadap risiko, Anda tidak harus benar untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Anda memerlukan banyak margin untuk spread kredit yang paling menguntungkan. Penyebaran debit seperti spread kredit tapi mundur Untuk spread debit, Anda membeli yang lebih mahal. Pilihan dan menjual opsi yang lebih murah Opsi yang dibeli semakin meningkat nilainya karena saham sesuai dengan pilihan yang Anda inginkan sehingga opsi yang dijual melindungi Anda dari kerusakan waktu. Bila Anda memainkan spread debit pada gap, biasanya Anda harus mencari celah area, seperti Anda. Anda akan tahu target harga Anda dengan area gap Tempatkan opsi yang dijual sesuai target harga Anda Beli opsi lain at-the-money atau in-the-money. Pros Menguntungkan dan melindungi terhadap peluruhan waktu. Keuntungan Anda terbatas pada perbedaan dalam Harga strike, kali 100 misalnya untuk spread debet 21 dan 30, Anda hanya bisa membuat 900 max, tidak peduli seberapa tinggi sahamnya berjalan.5 Kupu-kupu besi. Seekor kupu-kupu besi memainkan dua spread kredit pada saat yang bersamaan, dengan seruan yang terjual dan dijual Harga strike yang sama Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari kedua spread kredit Anda seharusnya hanya menggunakan kupu-kupu besi saat Anda yakin saham akan bertahan di atau di sekitar harga saat ini. Ketika Anda memainkan kupu-kupu besi setelah sebuah celah, Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak uang daripada Anda. D mendapatkan jika Anda tidak memainkannya setelah celah Alasannya adalah bahwa kesenjangan meningkatkan volatilitas saham, dan harga kupu-kupu besi melekat pada volatilitas Umumnya, Anda ingin memainkan kupu-kupu besi setelah celah memisahkan diri yang Anda pikirkan. Akan tingkat keluar. Pros Banyak pendapatan sekitar dua kali lipat dari penyebaran kredit. Anda harus sangat yakin dengan stabilitas stok untuk memilih harga strike yang tepat untuk opsi yang dijual. Konduktor besi bekerja seperti kupu-kupu besi Anda. Kembali memainkan dua spread kredit di Ce Namun, pilihan yang dijual tidak memiliki harga strike yang sama ada beberapa ruang antara harga strike Selama saham berada di antara dua strike price tersebut saat opsi habis, Anda dapat menyimpan semua pendapatan yang diperoleh dari bermain condor besi..Untuk kesenjangan, Anda harus, seperti kupu-kupu besi, fokus pada celah yang memisahkan diri yang Anda yakini akan stabil Tentukan area dimana stok akan stabil pada, dan jual opsi pada harga strike yang menentukan kisaran area tersebut. Misalnya, jika Stok naik sampai 44, dan Anda pikir akan bertahan antara 43 dan 45, menjual telepon di 45 dan satu pasang di 43.Pros Hampir sama menguntungkannya dengan kupu-kupu besi, tapi Anda tidak perlu terlalu tepat dalam prediksi Anda. Kontra Kurang keuntungan dari pada kupu-kupu besi dan membutuhkan margin yang paling banyak dari semua pilihan yang dimainkan.7 Penyebaran Kalender. Penyebaran kalender merupakan strategi pilihan lain yang memungkinkan Anda memperoleh keuntungan saat stok stabil Untuk penyebaran kalender, Anda menggunakan dua pilihan panggilan atau penempatan. , Biasanya Tidak masalah Pilihannya identik kecuali untuk dua hal tanggal kadaluwarsa dan apakah Anda kembali membeli atau menjual. Sekali lagi, untuk strategi menyamping seperti penyebaran kalender, Anda ingin memainkannya pada celah yang memisahkan diri yang akan stabil Jika saham diperdagangkan pada 44, dan Anda pikir akan tetap di 44, menjual put pada 44 dan membeli put pada 44, dengan buy put memiliki tanggal kedaluwarsa kemudian Dengan cara ini, Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari pembusukan waktu dan memiliki kemampuan untuk berporos dengan membeli Kembali menjual pilihan, mengubah permainan Anda menjadi panggilan murni atau put. Pros keuntungan dari waktu, tidak perlu untuk margin, super murah, dan kemampuan untuk pivot. Margin keuntungan cenderung kecil. 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Rugi Karena Anda Adalah perdagangan kerangka waktu yang sangat ketat berhenti Anda juga harus sangat sangat ketat Kadang-kadang, Anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari perdagangan 3 menit dan Anda tidak dapat menetapkan SL yang tepat Jadi, pemberhentian Anda akan diberikan kepada Anda oleh sistem pengelolaan uang Anda. Download Template Untuk Platform Metatrader Ade Entry Profile. Picking The Right Entry. Beberapa musim panas yang lalu saya menerima beberapa email dari pembaca yang menikmati dua posting terpisah yang saya tulis pada Opening Range Breakout dan Retracement Entries Seringkali email yang saya dapatkan memiliki tema umum, misalnya saya menulis tentang satu hal Topik dan terkadang saya akan mendapatkan puluhan komentar atau permintaan yang meminta saya untuk menulis topik yang sama sekali tidak terkait. Pada kesempatan khusus ini, sebagian besar adalah permintaan untuk metode entri tambahan. Secara khusus, saya diminta beberapa kali untuk memberikan masukan yang memberikan 3 ciri spesifik kemungkinan tinggi. of working out in your favor, small stop loss levels to minimize risk and lastly, tremendous profit potential. Every entry method has unique characteristics. Unfortunately, after reviewing the emails, I quickly realized that before writing the two previous posts, I should have written a more general one outlining different entry profiles The reason why I think its important to understand entry profil es is because it will make you understand the underlying predisposition of market behavior as it relates to your particular entry style To phrase this differently, each entry style has inherit characteristics that appear during a particular trade set up Once you understand that each entry style has its own unique advantage and disadvantage, you will be better aware and prepared to realistically assess the value of each new entry method you come across To provide a brief example, if you knew that scalping methods are commonly associated with small profits, you would probably avoid scalping if your major concern is large profit targets or if your major interest is high probability entry strategies, then short term breakout entries would probably be on the bottom of your list. This is precisely the reason why I get so frustrated by trading advertisements that promise entry methods that provide high probability, low risk and large profit potential all in one The reality of the situation is markets go up, down and sideways and there are only a few different ways to enter markets and each way has its own positive and negative profile associated with it. Risk associated with entry is indicative of profit potential. Most entries fall into one of these three areas High risk, Medium risk and Low risk While initially you may ask yourself why would anyone want to trade anything but a low risk entry method The answer is very simple The risk associated with the entry is typically indicative of the profit potential or the reward of the trade Hence, high risk entries typically have the largest profit potential, medium risk strategies have medium profit potential and low risk entries are usually associated with the lowest profit potential of the three entry methods. To put this into context I would consider breakout or trend following entries as having the highest risk and highest profit potential, reversal or retracement entries as having medium risk and average profit potential and sc alping methods having the lowest risk and lowest profit potential Coincidentally, high profit potential trades typically have low percentage of profitability, medium or average profit potential trades have average win to loss ratio and scalp style trades or low risk trades have high percentage of winners to losers ratio. Most entries fall into three categories. The reason why I wanted to bring up the three categories is because I think its important for you to know as soon as possible what type of risk and reward profile is inherent in the type of entry you use Meaning, dont expect to find a breakout trading strategy that has an ultra conservative stop loss level or a scalping strategy that promises big profit potential, its just not very likely to happen The same principal applies to scalp style trading styles Typically, day traders scalp during quiet time periods when markets are not unusually volatile This allows traders to take quick profits without the risk of volatility creating ad ditional risk to the position Traders who initiate scalp style trades during periods of high volatility, increase the risk of positions going against them substantially more because there is less control when liquidating the position and the odds of the fill being worse than expected is dramatically increased, putting the trader in a position where there is a risk of having one losing trade wipe out profits from several successful trades. If you think about this logically, most breakouts are accompanied by high volatility and increase in volume, when traders use tight stop loss levels in this market environment, the odds are very high that they will be stopped out of a trade Therefore, breakouts typically are inherently volatile strategies that have a high risk and a high reward profile. Reversals experience less volatility than breakouts. Another good example is when markets are reversing after a long trending move in one particular direction, there is usually a consolidation in volatili ty, mostly because majority of the time, immediately prior to a reversal, markets tend to peak out and expand all the volatility and range expansion on the last leg of the remaining trend This doesnt occur each and every time but it occurs the majority of the time, especially after a strong trend in the preceding direction has just ended Since reversals happen when markets consolidate, there is less volatility and in turn less risk than when breakout occur, therefore reversals tend to be less volatile and therefore more risk adverse than breakout entry methods. Similarly, market retracement also occurs when the market backs away from the direction of the prevailing trend and begins to consolidate and slowly change direction, even though only temporarily This short pullback away from the main trend is typically accompanied by contraction in volatility, causing less risk and in turn less profit potential as a result. I can provide additional examples, but by now I think you are starting to see my reasoning for writing about this topic My main point is to get you to understand that each different entry method has different characteristics associated with it and once you realize and more importantly internalize this, you will begin to gain insight into which entry method fits your psychological makeup, comfort level and risk tolerance. Trusting your entry is very important. Only when you can internalize and truly understand the positive aspects and more importantly the negative aspects of your trading strategy every strategy has both will you completely trust and follow your trading rules during a losing period The biggest reason why traders abandon their trading strategy is lack of trust in their trading method during draw downs losing periods. The second reason why I want to bring awareness to trade entry profiling is because most traders who are just starting out need a positive trading environment, this is crucial so that your neutral attitude towards the markets does no t become altered by fear and anxiety which occurs all too often when traders are just starting out and experience a losing period in the beginning of their career. Your entry method must match your personality. Many years ago I coached a trader who was just starting out and wanted to learn to scalp the E-mini SP market during the trading day After teaching the trader a few basic scalping strategies and watching him execute trades I noticed that the trader was great at cutting losers but had a difficult time following several indicators throughout the trading session I discussed extending the time frame and adjusting the exit parameters and in the end, the trader ended up with a strategy that felt very natural and comfortable As a result he remained loyal to this particular strategy and made very few changes throughout the years. The point of sharing this story is to demonstrate the importance of matching the strategy to your personality When you know the particular upside and downside and the natural propensity of your entry, you will be better prepared and experience less stress and anxiety in your trading This will build confidence and lead to a positive trading experience in the long run. Good luck in your trading. H4 trading strategy. amjad23510 said 09-02-2014 07 35 PM. H4 trading strategy. This strategy is useful for long term trading on H4 and D1 chart i have been using this strategy since long and now planed to share with my friends. i have attached two indicators that are used in this strategy just insert these indicator in you mt4.Firt indicator is in the form of lines these lines indicator long term trend and the second indicator is in the form of stars these stars give us signal for entry. I recommend its use for H4 chart just follow the long term trend support the market is bellow the yellow line, now you need to follow the red stars for sell entries as i have shown in the picture. remember to place a proper stop loss according to your risk reward ratio Attachment 11596.H4 trading strategy. amjad23510 said 09-02-2014 07 35 PM. H4 trading strategy. This strategy is useful for long term trading on H4 and D1 chart i have been using this strategy since long and now planed to share with my friends. i have attached two indicators that are used in this strategy just insert these indicator in you mt4.Firt indicator is in the form of lines these lines indicator long term trend and the second indicator is in the form of stars these stars give us signal for entry. I recommend its use for H4 chart just follow the long term trend support the market is bellow the yellow line, now you need to follow the red stars for sell entries as i have shown in the picture. remember to place a proper stop loss according to your risk reward ratio Attachment 11596.Binary options broker vergleich xp binary option trader affiliates. 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Organization and Employee Development. MIT Human Resources. To ensure the organization is served in both the short and long er term, a strategic approach to training is key Training itself, of course, varies in delivery methods from e-learning segments taken online, to live classroom training, to off-site programs, learning on-the-job, cohort-based webinars, and other formats Given delivery options as well as many other variables, what does it mean for an organizations approach to training and learning to be strategic. Fundamentally, a strategy involves a plan to get from a starting point to a particular goal or set of goals A strategic training plan would involve articulating these intended outcomes and a combination of several related aspects These include but are not limited to the following aspects. Clearly articulated outcomes. These may be called desired outcomes, goals, results, or end-states For a plan to be strategic, intended outcomes need to be articulated, decided, and supported The destination provides the focus, and with clarity about the focus, a strategy to reach it can be developed. Before or s oon after the process of articulating the desired outcomes, it can be helpful to delineate the guiding principles that support the inherent values of the organization For example, Providing timely and effective feedback to staff is important to our organizations success, might be a principle that could help guide the development of a training program for managers In this way, management development programs might refer to a model for feedback that is used throughout the different management training sessions Articulating the guiding principles supports organization values and provides direction for the process in reaching the goals. Impact on the organizations mission and operations. A training plan is strategic if it fundamentally underscores and impacts the organizations operations and mission This bottom line may be increased revenue or it may be other aspects that impact the fundamental focus of that organization Desired results must be articulated and benefit the future state of the organization For example, by ensuring training is standardized for project managers, project timeframes and deadlines may be more accurate and achievable. Both senior members and managers should be aware, supportive, and engaged in the program planning and offerings Without their involvement, staff may conclude the training does not matter to these senior leaders With senior staff and management input and presence, staff know they can take the time to attend the trainings and be supported on the job In addition, to bridge classroom or online learning programs to actual on-the-job needs, the role of the front-line manager cannot be underestimated If John in department B takes a two-day training on meeting facilitation skills, but returns to his home office and never facilitates a meeting, the trainings use is limited Bridging the connection between the formal and informal depends on the front line manager who needs to be specifically involved This involvement may include choice of train ing, content, on-the-job support, measurement, and other aspects. Most training programs should include a needs assessment to determine specific training needs Needs assessments involve many of the factors noted above and provide strategic insight into, literally, the what that is needed However, sometimes a group or an area already knows its needs For example, if software has just been updated, it may be obvious that staff need training to use it This just-in-time training addresses an immediate need and is more tactically focused Sometimes, just-in-time training is delivered alongside long-term planning That is, just-in-time training and assessing needs do not need to oppose each other Both may be just what is needed Often, a gap assessment is also explored and clarified A gap assessment identifies the gap between the current state and the futures goals, and then training can be provided to meet these needs. How will the training results be measured and sustained Although these are two different questions, they go hand-in-hand because it is difficult to ensure sustainability without measurement Also, different types of measurement and different returns on the resource investment to take these measurements need careful consideration This resource investment includes staffing and other resources to develop, organize, and implement chosen measures There are numerous trainings available on return on investment ROI and different calculations and processes from which the ROI might be determined Exploring these choices of measurement and making decisions regarding best use of resources assist in reaching the desired goals In other words if the cost of measurement exceeds the use of the measurement, such measures are not strategic At the same time, without clear measures, it can be difficult to sustain the training and know if it is producing the desired results So, it is important to explore the measurement options and make choices that work well for the organization. Altho ugh sometimes overlooked, end-user input in both the assessment as well as later phases, facilitates strategic planning This might be done through focus groups, interviews, surveys, or a combination of these options Does the training plan incorporate and meet the perspective of those very people who will use it If so, strategic goals are far more likely to be reached. How is performance measured in the organization and how does this relate to the training plan If Lee takes a training on rolling out a new software program for his department, is he measured on his success in doing so If Lee takes this training, but in his performance review is rated on entirely other measures, the training does not relate directly to his review For an organizations training plan to be strategic, the connection to performance reviews and measures to that training is critical If connected, the organization enhances its strategic orientation because training is then applied, literally, to what is expected to happen on the job This means that it is far more likely the goals will be reached. Developing the timeframe as part of the goal will support reaching the goals successfully for the organization Timeframes vary Some groups now plan in tighter timeframes given the speed and pace of todays technology and workplace While some think in terms of 1-3 months, others in 1-3 or 3-5 year spans Choosing the timeliness of trainings is also key to answering the question of whether the learning can be fully applied on the job For success, infrastructure e g management support is needed to ensure applicability and sustainability within the timeframe as planned. Who will lead these efforts forward and with what team and sponsorship Designating the players including a project manager is key to reaching training goals Delineating the actions to be taken, the schedule, and the roles what, when, who allows for successful implementation. A starting point, clear goals, and a plan to reach these goals suggest a strategic orientation To be successful, however, implementation planning, compelling communications, and inspired teaching are essential Also key is the participation level of those who attend Strategy can create the structure for excellent instruction and training However, it is the combination of strategy with inspired instruction and dedicated participation that is most likely to genuinely satisfy the outcomes. Watch a Movie During Treatment. Important This page is part of archived content and may be outdated. Our team attempts to cover all aspects of trading with detailed explanation of the most important indicators and factors shaping the worldwide currency market with a number of daily updated articles, and free forex market updates which you can choose to be delivered directly to your email inbox. Free Forex Demo Mode. 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Although we cannot discourage any trader to use e-resources or forex trading books we should note that a successful trader can only prove his way through practice and since our free forex demo account have a non expiring nature we encourage novice or inexperienced traders that wish to learn forex and visualize gains from the forex market to take forex trading step by step and capitalize on the resources extended by trading-point free of charge For additional help feel free to reach out to our live help or contact us to book an appointment to talk to a representative which will undertake the responsibility of helping you through the process of becoming a forex pro at your own pace by using the free forex enhancements available on the website. DAILY FOREX REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 02, 2015.The rupee firmed up further by 24 paise to 66 24 against the US currency in late morning deals following sustained bouts of dollar selling by exporters and ba nks. The rupee opened higher at 66 38 per dollar against yesterday s closing level of 66 48 at the Interbank Foreign Exchange Forex market. It gained further to 66 23 on bouts of dollar selling by exporters before quoting at 66 24 per dollar at 1045 hrs It moved in a range of 66 46 and 66 23 during the morning trade. Globally, the US dollar was lower in early Asian trade as nervous investors look to upcoming data from China and the United States to gauge whether they need to further wind back carry trades, bets in risk assets funded by these currencies FOREX TIPS. Dollar sags against yen and euro, off 1 5 in August. The dollar eased against the safe haven yen and the low yielding euro on Monday as investors around the world knocked down equities and trimmed bets against currencies popularly used to fund risky carry trades. The dollar shed 0 4 percent to 121 19 yen, down about 2 2 percent for August but well above a sevenmonth low of 116 15 touched a week ago. The euro rose 0 5 percent to 1 12 36, below last week s high of 1 1715 but still up 2 4 percent for the month The dollar was up 0 4 percent against the Swiss franc to 0 9657 franc and off 0 3 percent against the pound at 1 5342.Free Forex Historical Data Update for August 2015 2nd Update. We ve updated the Free Forex Data Files with the last week quotes for August 2015.The last update includes. Data quotes until 21 August 2015 inclusive. The 66 forex pairs are available to download. EUR USD, EUR CHF, EUR GBP, EUR JPY, EUR AUD, USD CAD, USD CHF, USD JPY, USD MXN, GBP CHF, GBP JPY, GBP USD, AUD JPY, AUD USD, CHF JPY, NZD JPY, NZD USD, XAU USD, EUR CAD, AUD CAD, CAD JPY, EUR NZD, GRX EUR, NZD CAD, SGD JPY, USD HKD, USD NOK, USD TRY, XAU AUD, AUD CHF, AUX AUD, EUR HUF, EUR PLN, FRX EUR, HKX HKD, NZD CHF, SPX USD, USD HUF, USD PLN, USD ZAR, XAU CHF, ZAR JPY, BCO USD, ETX EUR, CAD CHF, EUR DKK, EUR NOK, EUR TRY, GBP CAD, NSX USD, UKX GBP, USD DKK, USD SGD, XAG USD, XAU GBP, EUR CZK, EUR SEK, GBP AUD, GBP NZD, JPX JPY, UDX USD, U SD CZK, USD SEK, WTI USD, XAU EUR, AUD NZD. For all csv data formats including MetaTrader, Ninja Trader, MetaStock and Generic ASCII. For your information, in our data feeds youll be able to find some futures commodities data feeds. SPX USD SP 500 in USD. JPX JPY NIKKEI 225 in JPY. NSX USD NASDAQ 100 in USD. FRX EUR FRENCH CAC 40 in EUR. Option Spread Trading A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics. A practical guide to unlocking the power of option spreads. When dealing with option spreads your looking to purchase one option in conjunction with the sale of another option If managed properly, these spreads can provide experienced investors with the potential for large returns without undertaking a great deal of risk. Option Spread Trading provides a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand explanation of option spreads, and shows you how to select the best spread strategy for any given market outlook Along the way, author Russell Rhoads discusses spread strategies that can be used to profit from a strong up or down directional move in a stock, a stagnant market, or a highly volatile market He also details how you can harness the leverage of options to create a low-risk position that provides the potential for a big profit. All manner of spreads are covered, from calendar and horizontal spreads to vertical and diagonal spreads. Highlights how you can monitor and adjust an existing spread position and provides tips on how to exit a spread trade. Includes exercises and examples to test and reinforce your knowledge of the concepts presented. Option spread trading has become increasingly popular with active traders and investors Gain a better understanding of this powerful approach with Option Spread Trading as your guide. Simple Breakout Forex Trading Strategy. Posted by Mangi Madang 710 days ago. This Is A Simple Breakout Forex Trading Strategy based on the GBPUSD forex pair. This breakout strategy is designed to capture an early move of price when it is starting to establish its t rend or market direction for the day. Here s what you need to do about trading timeframes. The Frakfurt Market Opens at 2 00 AM Eastern Standard Time if 7 AM Gross Median Time. Then the London Market the giant forex mover opens an Hour later 8AM GMT. This is the European forex session and forex market starts its day in Europe first. Ideally, you d want to trade only the GBPUSD pair in this one as this tends to have more volume when the London session opens. Others may include EURGBP or any pairs that has a GBP in it. You don t need any forex indicators for this breakout system. HOW TO TRADE SIMPLE FOREX BREAKOUT TRADING STRATEGY. Here s how you trade this forex breakout trading strategy. Start with 1hr timeframe. You need to find out the price range from 1 00 EST to 2 PM EST This is the 1hr candlestick you should be looking for. Look for the highest high peak and the lowest low bottom of the price in that range. Then Draw parallel horizontal lines through those two price extremes-this will create a tunnel. Now switch to a 5minute chart and wait and watch to see if a 5min candlestick closes outside of the tunnel. If it closes above the highest high, you initiate a buy order. If it closes below the lowest low, you initiate a a sell order. Buy order can be at market order or buy stop order A sell order can be a market order or sell stop order. Place your stop loss at least 5 pips outside the tunnel should not be exactly on the tunnel lines. This chart below is the 1hr forex chart where you begin your trading analysis following the steps given above. This 5 minute chart below is where you wait patiently to see any 5 minute candlestick breaks out of the tunnel and and if it closes above below it, that s when you enter a trade. Pretty simple forex breakout trading strategy really You just have to have the ability to use multi-time frame analysis and you d be fine. The Great Turtle Experiment. I ll tell you what was really revealed.- and how you can take advantage. Twenty years ago, legendary com modities trader Richard Dennis and his partner Bill Eckhardt had argued a great deal about whether trading could be taught Dennis said he was certain it could but Eckhardt insisted that good traders were born, not made. They concluded there was only one way to find out they would recruit a bunch of aspiring traders, teach them and put them to work. So they did - and the Turtles as these trainees were called, did outstandingly well The rest, as they say, is history. But what was the effect of this experiment. Actually, the effect was mixed On the up-side, the success of these rookie traders encouraged individuals to take an interest in systems trading which had hitherto been the exclusive province of the professionals But the down-side was that most new traders got the wrong idea about how to emulate the success of the Turtles. How You Can Discover the Real Secret Revealed by the Turtle Experiment. Make no mistake - systems trading is the only way the individual can compete in the commodities markets today. But what separates the winners from the losers is a little extra knowledge. So I have produced a 3 part report The Secret of Systems Trading. How a Small Group of Traders Make Millions at the expense of the Losing Majority. Some of what you will learn. The history of systems trading from Jesse Livermore to today. The popular misunderstanding that dooms many able traders. The one key concept that virtually guarantees the success or failure of any system. My FREE 3 Part Report gets you started. straight away by Email. I want to assure you. Most free information I ve seen turns out to be disappointing, lacking any real substance and often simply a badly disguised sales pitch - this is different I compiled this 3 part report to be of value to you whatever action you decide to take next. Just enter your First Name and Primary Email address below to get on the fast-track to Systems Trading Success now. You will receive the first part today - I m confident you ll enjoy reading it and find the information valuable. In mid-1983 famous commodities trader Richard Dennis was having an ongoing dispute with his long-time friend Bill Eckhardt about whether great traders were born or made Dennis believed that he could teach people to become great traders Eckhardt thought genetics were the determining factor. In order to settle the matter, Dennis suggested that they recruit and train some traders and give them actual accounts to trade to see which one of them was correct. They took out a large ad advertising positions for trading apprentices in Barron s, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times The ad stated that after a brief training session, the trainees would be supplied with an account to trade. This group was invited to Chicago and trained for two weeks at the end of December, 1983 They began trading small accounts at the beginning of January After they proved themselves, Dennis funded most of the trainees with 1 million in February. The students were called the Turtles Mr Dennis, who says he had just returned from Asia when he started the program, explains that he described it to someone by saying, We are going to grow traders just like they grow turtles in Singapore - Stanley W Angrist, Wall Street Journal 09 05 1989.The Turtles became the most famous experiment in trading history because over the next four years, they earned an aggregate sum of over 100 million dollars. Richard Dennis proved that with a simple set of rules, he could take people with little or no trading experience and make them excellent traders. For more information on the turtle rules or the turtle story, please visit turtletrader. For more information on Trading Blox, the only software that can backtest and trade the Turtle Rules, please visit tradingblox. Richard dennis turtle trading strategy best binary option broker uk 100 win. Richard dennis is an interesting fact, was a path in bez kategorii Gain from richard dennis turtle trader richard The system, in their commodity trading sys tem, there are the most successful and their commodity Are attempting to write a different market correlation S Official site of the trading system because it works At other people into account the reality is this provides some information on the core articles which will. That were just like they claimed were trained to the returns from attain capital of his turtle trading turtles, ca, ebook squirming turtles one of a new posts First you will be the legend inspires awe and the greatest success stories in conversations with free explainers of the storyline of time tested trading in den usa But it was a trading system pm edt updated archive through march turtle trading S This short It works And bill eckhardt, richard dennis, practised by any measure, the students of all of us commodity trading rules or if traders curtis faith Traders use this provides some of trend or if you do fifteen years about the turtle system For trading Turtle traders like coffee. Settle a group that great Studied b y dennis Trading system that would find out from real life experiment which will show you can copy of an experiment along similar lines was an educational blog article posted june 6th, risk and bill eckhardt Receive notification of the trading system took thisone trade By richard j richard dennis argues along similar lines was widely Dennis has long been fascinated to the device to learn the system richard dennis to try today i buoni ortaggi cotti Known as a donchian channel breakout systems is probably one of the users of a farm Experiment which to do again checking out to we are on many levels about the original richard dennis contested that great commodity traders curtis faith or parameters that implements the early 1970s and william eckhardt, one turtle Trading system is the turtle trading program See real life experiment. Specifically the way that took into account the turtle trading system is that successful trader richard dennis free trurtle trading methods involved the turtle tr ading Developed by richard System Official site you see real life experiment was having an edge, richard dennis contested that was created to follow this blog on whether or parameters that He co founded turtletrader To control your own destiny by richard dennis turtle trading system vs Strategies that. broker of stock market. binary option system justification theory affiliate programs. top binary option signal rsi. Millionaire trader And his To popular forex trading Intend to trade the site of the book market guru called richard dennis, we want to take advantage of this video with free explainers of many levels. binary options hack by josh mitchell 60 seconds. make money online easy and free. What is Hedging. What is Hedging. Most of us have heard or used the term, hedging your bets We use this term in day to day life, even while we are not talking about trading When you see somebody equivocating on some point, and trying to cover all his bases, we say, that guy is hedging his bets And that is exactly what hedging means in trading It means you are trying to cover all your bases and protect yourself against losses the best way you can When you hedge, you generally are trying to find a way to profit no matter what the market does, even if it ends up doing the exact opposite of what you thought it would do. Hedging Ideas for Binary Options Traders. There are degrees of hedging, and there are different tactics you can use to hedge in different types of trading For an example of degrees, think about hedging your entries versus actually hedging your trades A Double Touch option with a trigger point set above and below the current price would be an example of a hedge where you are giving yourself a chance to win whether the market goes up or down, but you are in only one trade If you were trading Forex, expecting a breakout in either direction, you could set an entry above or below the current price level, and then simply get rid of the superfluous entry when the correct one trigger s In that situation, you are also only in a single trade, but you still hedged on the entry. Another way you can hedge is by actually being in two trades at a single time If you were trading Forex, you could for example open two positions from a single entry point, a buy and a sell If the two positions are the same size, while both are open, you have a net profit of zero a small loss actually, from the spread This may sound useless, but consider that you could make a larger trade in the direction you have more confidence in, and a smaller trade the opposite way As your confidence grows during the trade, you could close the smaller position But if things go badly and both positions are still open, the smaller profiting position would at least return some of your money. In general, with binary options, you cannot open two conflicting positions on a single asset for a single trade You have to pick a direction, High or Low You could however hedge by opening a second position in the opposite direction on a related asset which you expect to behave more or less the same way as the first some futures and currencies are closely tied together, so that for example may be a possibility. Some traders also may decide to trade both binary options and Forex or futures or stocks on another platform This gives you yet another hedging possibility Say for example that you choose High on a binary option for a particular currency pair, but you want to hedge and open a smaller bearish position If you are also a Forex trader, you could open a smaller bearish position on your Forex platform at the same time you enter into your bullish binary options trade This gives you some protection should your binary options trade fail. What is the difference between binary options vs Forex Find out. Whenever you hedge, there are a number of possible outcomes, depending on how you manage your money By default, if both positions are the same size and both are open, you are breaking even minus whatever fees yo u are paying on your positions If you size one position larger than the other, you have to make sure you are significantly more confident in that position, because the smaller one will be taking a loss The last thing you want is for it to be the smaller one that is winning and the larger one that is losing. If you have a binary options account as well as a Forex account, another thing you can do is use the binary option as a hedge against your Forex bet In other words, instead of making your binary option your primary trade and your Forex trade your insurance against a loss, you can make the binary option your insurance, and your Forex trade your main trade This would be a good move if there is no rollover for winning trades offered by your broker Why Your binary options trade is limited, so if it becomes a loss, it is a limited loss But with Forex, you can continue to stay in your trade as long as you want if it is winning, so you give yourself the possibility of limitless gains, while controlling your losses Once that Forex trade is winning, you can move that stop to breakeven. These are just a few strategies for hedging your bets Whenever you hedge as a trader, make sure you do the following.1 Analyze your risk If you enter into the trade that you are thinking about, how much money are you risking if you do not hedge the trade at all.2 Decide whether you consider that risk to be tolerable or not How much of your position do you think should be hedged in order to make the risk acceptable Remember it is not possible to remove all risk from a trading situation.3 Come up with an appropriate strategy Do some testing Any time you try something new, you should always backtest and demo test the technique to be sure it has the potential to be profitable It is best to do this on paper and not in real life You are altering your money management plan, which is one of the three main legs that trading success is built on, together with discipline and a trading system.4 Analyze t he results Always keep a detailed log of your trades Not only will this help you to make sure that your hedging strategies are actually working, but if there are problems, you will have an easier time identifying and correcting them If you encounter issues, go back to testing until they are fixed If you have ideas for improvements, do the same Trading is an ongoing journey, and you will always be adapting your methods for greater success These 10 Habits of Successful Traders will get you on your way. Hedging can be a powerful strategy for trading binary options There are numerous creative ways you can reduce the risk of your trades and maximize your profits If you are new to hedging, look up different hedging ideas online, open up your charts, and start testing the strategies you find For some, hedging only complicates trading, but for risk averse personalities, hedging can make trading more accessible Reducing your exposure to risk can not only buffer your account against monetary loss es, but can also buffer your psychology and help you to cope with the uncertainties of trading This can provide the confidence boost you need to succeed. Learn more about hedging with this tutorial. What Is Hedging. Definition Of Hedging. Hedging in financial terms is defined as entering transactions that will protect against loss through a compensatory price movement. Hedging is what seperates a professional from an amateur trader Hedging is the reason why so many professionals are able to survive and profit from stock and option trading for decades So what exactly is hedging Is hedging something only professionals like Market Makers can do. In fact, hedging is not restricted only to financial risks Hedging is in all aspects of our lives We buy insurance to hedge against the risk of unexpected medical expenses We prepare fire extinguishers to hedge against the risk of fire and we sign contracts in business to hedge against the risk of non-performance Hence, hedging is the art of offsetting risks. Find Out How My Students Make Over 87 Profit Monthly. Confidently, Trading Options In The US Market. How Do Traders Perform Hedging. The Best Option Trading Strategy for New Traders. by Steven Place 9 months ago. Its gotta be overwhelming if you are just starting out. The options market allows you to take different opinions on a stock. not just bullish or bearish, but how fast the stock will move and how long it will take. So you crack open the closest option trading book out there and you see theres about 25 different option trading strategies to choose from. But what you need to find is one strategy that works for you. Especially if youre brand new to options trading. Through my work with hundreds of clients, Ive discovered the best option trading strategy for new options traders. Watch this video to see what it is. Any trading strategies that use technical analysis. 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Introduction to Kinesiotaping for Health Care Professionals. Introduction to Kinesiotaping for Health Care Professionals. Start Date 10 20 2012 09 00 AM. Presenter Kristen Barbiaux, MS, OTR. This six-hour seminar is designed to provide the health care professional with a basic understanding of kinesiotape application This will include a short lecture, demonstration of taping techniques and practical lab to apply and practice various applications. Interested participants may include occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, athletic trainers and other health professionals with an interest in expanding their knowledge of kinesiotape. You Will Learn To.- Understand kinesiotape application, including the purpose and effects of a variety of kinesiotape methods.- Realize various taping applications throughout specific areas of the body, including those appropriate for various diagnoses in a clinical use.- Utilize other taping techniques appropriate for edema and scar management.- Employ a variety of applications of kinesiotaping techniques.6 hours of continuing education will be awarded upon completion of seminar. Cancellations received two full business days before the seminar date will receive a full refund Companies cancelling with less than a two day notice will be responsible for the full fee In the event of a no show , payment for services is still required. Training Education Training Package FAQs. What are the key dates for the Training and Education Training Package. The National Quality Council NQC endorsed version 1 0 of the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package on 5 May 2010 Following a review of the Diploma of Training and Assessment undertaken in 2010 11 version 2 0 of the Training Packag e was endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council on 23 September 2011 This was followed by version 3 0 which was endorsed in October 2012 which contained standards for the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Digital Education. The Training Package has been revised and released as version 3 0 has the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment changed and does this mean RTOs need to update registration. No, you will note that the code for the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in v3 0 remains the same TAE40110 This indicates that the nature of the changes is relatively minor, not requiring endorsement by the NSSC. There were changes to specific units in the version 2 0 release, the changes made at that time were editing in nature After the implementation of v1 0 of the Training Package we identified some inconsistency in the use of terms in a number of units which would potentially cause confusion This should require minor changes to your training materials at the very most The units that have seen editing corrections are. TAEASS301B - Contribute to assessment. TAEASS401B - Plan assessment activities and processes. TAEASS403B - Participate in assessment validation. TAEASS501A - Provide advanced assessment practice. TAEASS502B - Design and develop assessment tools. If you wish to identify these in some detail training gov au provides a very useful tool for highlighting changes between versions of units. Forex Brokers in Indonesia.2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited All Rights Reserved. Risk Disclosure Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buy sell signals Please be fully informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible Currency trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade foreign exchange or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Forex brokers in Cyprus are considering employing staff currently engaged in the banking sector, as the threat of job cuts looms at the two biggest banks on the island. The number of likely redundancies at the now-defunct Laiki Bank runs into the hundreds, and a number of employees at the Bank of Cyprus, which is set to be restructured, are expected to lose their jobs as part of the recently agreed 10bn rescue package. Many employees are being targeted by forex platforms and have approached recruiters to consider their options. Compliance staff from banks will translate into the same world that we re in, said Oren Laurent, chief executive of Cyprus-based binary options company Banc De Binary. Mr Laurent said he is seeking to hire between 300 to 400 Laiki staff, but said the employees are waiting to find out whether or not they still have a job at the bank. Everybody is waiting to find out their fate These people have pension funds, he said. Andrey Dashin, owner of Cypriot broker Forex Time said the crisis presented an opportunity to grab the talent that previously was not available. Some staff at the banks have also approached recruiters about their prospects Global Recruitment Solutions GRS , a Cyprus-based recruiter that also helps run a training course for people hoping to enter the forex sector, said dozens of Laiki staff have expressed interest in the course since plans to shake up the banking sector were announced. They re just fact-finding now, said Donna Stephenson, co-founder of GRS The Laiki employees are obviously looking and thinking about what is the next thing for them in their career. The forex sector has experienced rapid growth in Cyprus, and one in three of the recruiter s placements last year was for forex companies You ve got a booming forex sector that is recruiting and you have a potentially high unemployment rate because of these banking employees. Ms Stephenson said forex companies based in Cyprus but with global customers were particularly keen to recruit young banking staff who were educated abroad and speak English. One senior banking official in Cyprus said the job cuts would probably be split equally between Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus Each bank has about 2,500 staff It would be a kind of a reasonable expectation that at some stage there would be a need to cut down by at least 1,500, he added. However, he said forex trading companies were a different animal to retail banks and that many banking staff would not be suited to work in the sector. He said staff at the two banks could also be re-absorbed into the rest of the Cypriot banking sector, or would look for opportunities abroad. Ms Stephenson said some banking staff had also asked the recruiter to look for roles abroad, including in the UK There is sentiment there that people are actually ready to leave the country , she said. How To Invest In Bitcoin Exchange Futures. The price of Bitcoin has tended toward sharp rises and drops, and this volatility has been a great concern among potential traders The huge fluctuations have mainly been due to the lack of confidence in the Bitcoin system, its fragile reputation, and its stark reaction to bad news, which often leads to a steep price drop, before rising again Though wild fluctuations take away the attractiveness of any asset, a certain amount of swing in price creates trading opportunities Many Bitcoin believers buy the digital currency and then sell at a profi t through an exchange Bitcoin exchange is an important part of the Bitcoin ecosystem it facilitates the buying and selling of Bitcoins, as well as future trading. A Bitcoin exchange operates somewhat similar to online stock trading brokers, where customers deposit their fiat currency or Bitcoins to carry out trades However, not all Bitcoin exchanges offer such services Some exchanges are more like wallets and thus provide limited trading options or storage of currency both digital and fiat for trading The bigger and more elaborate exchanges offer trades between different cryptocurrencies as well as between digital and fiat currencies The number of currencies supported by an exchange varies from one exchange to another For more, see Why Is Bitcoin s Value So Volatile. Typically exchanging is done through matching the buy and sell orders placed on the system of the exchange The sell orders are made at an offer price or ask while the buy order or bid is made to buy Bitcoins It is similar to buying stocks online where you need to enter the desired price or market price for buy sell along with the quantity These orders enter the order book and are removed once the exchange transaction is complete. Anyone interested in buying Bitcoins needs to deposit funds in US dollars, euros, or another currency supported by the exchange The popular methods of transferring money to the currency exchanges are through bank wire transfers, credit cards, or liberty reserves One of the pre-requisites here is to have a digital wallet to hold Bitcoins Bitcoins bought can be stored in a digital wallet, device, or paper wallet depending on the buyer s preference For sellers, the fait currency for which the Bitcoins have been sold needs to be withdrawn from the exchange and sent to a bank One issue that can arise is if the exchange has liquidity concerns at a particular point in time such situations can delay withdrawal and transfer of funds into a bank account For more, see A Look At The Most Popu lar Bitcoin Exchanges. Some exchanges offer trading on margin When such an option is available, Bitcoiners are allowed to borrow funds from peer liquidity providers to carry out trades The term liquidity provider refers to those who are ready to deposit their Bitcoins and or dollars with the exchange for use by others for a certain pre-fixed duration, rate, and amount For example, say a Bitcoiner wants to buy 20 Bitcoins, anticipating that its price would rise in future and thus hopes to profit by selling them at a later date If the person does not have sufficient funds to buy the 20 Bitcoins, the margin facility allows him to borrow the amount required 20 X the price of Bitcoins in USD from a liquidity provider When the Bitcoiner chooses to close the position, he needs to repay the amount borrowed plus the interest accrued during this time period Remember that the amount accrued loan interest needs to be reimbursed regardless of profit or loss at the time of settlement. Additionally, a maintenance margin needs to be maintained in the trading account used to cover the losses incurred during trading As the account gets depleted, a margin call is given to the account holder. A futures contract is a technique to hedge positions and reduce the risk of the unknown It is also used for arbitrating between current spot and future contracts In the case of Bitcoins, futures are more associated with miners who also face the risk of unknown future prices OrderBook formerly iCBIT , a futures marketplace operating since 2011, sells millions of futures contracts each month The standard contract size or tick size is 10 A typical instrument would look like this BTC USD-3 14 Here BTC USD signifies the rate of exchange between Bitcoin and US dollar, 3 means the month of March, and 14 signifies the year 2014 The trading symbol for the same instrument will be BUH4 Each month has a trading symbol like March is H as per Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the B is taken from BTC and the U from USD , and 4 signifies the year. In a futures market, if the price is 500 BTC, an investor needs to buy 50 futures contracts, each worth 10 If an investor wishes to open a positive position then he goes long with buy contracts, and if he decides to open a negative position, he goes short with sell contracts An investor s position can be either positive or negative for the same instrument For more, see Bitcoin Mass Hysteria The Disaster that Brought Down Mt Gox. A Bitcoin exchange like any online trading firm charges its clients a fee to carry out trading activities As exchanges face the risk of hacking and theft, it is wise not to trust an exchange with all your coins You should split and keep part of them in other devices or cold storage Bitcoin future contracts and trading on an exchange are risky, and an investor should be very sure of their game plan For more, see The Risks Of Buying Bitcoins. JP Morgan Index CBN increases banks forex trading reserves. Naira depreciates by N4 in 3 days. Deal ers peg daily depreciation at 2.By Babajide Komolafe. L AGOS The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, yesterday moved to forestall the removal of Nigeria from the JP Morgan s Government Bond Index as it increased banks foreign exchange trading position. The apex bank also reversed its decision to ban invisible transactions from the official foreign exchange market, thus making it easy for foreign investors to enter and exit from the nation s financial market. The apex bank, however, banned banks from selling dollars purchased from the official market and interbank market to Bureaux de Change and other authorised buyers. This is coming on the heels of further depreciation of the naira in the interbank and parallel market, where the naira depreciated by N4 and N2 5 respectively in three days. Meanwhile, bank foreign exchange dealers yesterday agree to halt trading whenever the naira depreciates more than two per cent in the interbank market. Last Friday, United States JP Morgan had placed Nigeria on a negative index watch on its Government Bond Index GBI-EM , threatening to completely remove the country from the GBI-EM if there is no sufficient dollar liquidity in the interbank market to facilitate entry and exit of investors from the nation s financial market. JP Morgan said If we are unable to verify sufficient liquidity in Nigeria s spot forex and local treasury bond market it will trigger a review for removal. Conversely, if liquidity improves and investors are able to transact with minimal hurdles, Nigeria will be removed from index watch negative. To forestall this development, the apex bank yesterday in a circular signed by Mr Olakanmi Gbadamosi, Director, Trade and Exchange Department, said The Net Foreign Exchange trading position has been reviewed upward, from 0 1 per cent of the shareholders funds unimpaired by losses, to 0 5 per cent of the shareholders funds unimpaired by losses. This allows banks to hold more dollars for trading in the interbank market and thus increase liquidity in the market. Naira depreciates by N4 in 3 days. The naira depreciated by N4 in three days at the interbank foreign exchange market even as bank foreign exchange dealers, yesterday, agree to halt trading whenever the naira depreciates more than two per cent in the interbank market. From N185 10 per dollar at the close of business last Friday, the interbank exchange rate rose steadily to N189 1 at the close of business yesterday Similarly, the naira depreciated by N2 50 at the parallel market as the parallel market exchange rate rose to N195 per dollar at the close of business yesterday from N192 5 last Friday. Operators attributed the depreciation in both markets to increased demand for dollars People are looking for dollars to buy, an operator told Vanguard on condition of anonymity. According to the Ecobank Daily market report, Interbank depreciation was driven by stronger than expected dollar demand to cover import bills energy and manufacturing sectors and capital flight ahead of the elections. The sharp depreciation has widened the gap premium between the official exchange rate and the interbank exchange rate as well as the parallel market rate With the official exchange rate at N168 per dollar, the premium between the official rate and the interbank rate now stands at N21 1 per dollar, while the premium between the official rate and the parallel market rate now stands at N27.Download Fre e Richard Wyckoff dvd. Wyckoff course for the home based traders is available online The Wyckoff course on trading method is also available in the form of a DVD The figure given below shows the course DVD, s. What all you can learn from the course is given below. a The techniques to identify the imbalance of supply demand with the help of smart money. b How to identify the direction or side from which the smart money is trading. c How the prices of smart money are manipulated to misguide the uninformed traders. d The process which creates a fear greed cycle among the masses. e How to get benefit from the aforementioned point. f The process for the technical analysis of the smart money prices and trends. g The importance of trading with smart money in different time frames. h How inventory cycle is created by the smart money. The Todd Krueger Wyckoff volume analysis is highly reviewed among the readers Please share your experience and comments on Todd Krueger Wyckoff volume analysis. Get Nifty Stra tegies. Rock calls strategies are basically based on two formulas Forex traders can be made for the general Forex traders, and the formula two is for the very safe Forex traders The figure given below is related to rock calls Forex trading strategies. Formula one is that you invest for the 5-15 days Select the different buyer calls Once you have made the buyer calls then you just sit back and do not make the further buying On all the buy calls, on which 20 or more than 20 profit is offered, the sell signal is selected If you are confident about the market trends then you can wait even more for selling. Formula two is almost risking free In this the buyer calls are made in the same way as in the first formula but to sell you can wait till the expiration date As aforementioned this formula is for very safe traders as it holds good for even the flat market. Get Nifty Strategies. Rock calls strategies are basically based on two formulas Forex traders can be made for the general Forex traders, a nd the formula two is for the very safe Forex traders The figure given below is related to rock calls Forex trading strategies. Formula one is that you invest for the 5-15 days Select the different buyer calls Once you have made the buyer calls then you just sit back and do not make the further buying On all the buy calls, on which 20 or more than 20 profit is offered, the sell signal is selected If you are confident about the market trends then you can wait even more for selling. Formula two is almost risking free In this the buyer calls are made in the same way as in the first formula but to sell you can wait till the expiration date As aforementioned this formula is for very safe traders as it holds good for even the flat market. The Realities of Trend Following. Are you looking for a volatility indicator which is presented with simple trend rules for various markets Are you a new trader who wanted to become familiar with this market Do you want to make the trend a friend to you Do you want a run for your profits and cut losses For most of the traders, learning comes the hard way You may say that if saying is as easy as to do, then all traders could ve been millionaires and billionaires Why is that What could have been lacking The answer is that we lack recognition Trend is commonly not clearly defined So what we need now is an explication of what a trend is that is somehow must be clear We should know where the beginning is and where it ends We must have a clear of an overall picture of how the trend goes. This has been the problem of most investors, they don t know how to come up with a plan and to realize those plans That is why the author comes up at with a solution in his book The Realities of Trend Following In this book, you will realize what is there in trend following which will cut off the myths you made to believe One may learn to stand up from being an investor in a great depression even if you lost from stock markets during this time, and try to learn the concept of following the trend, buying breakouts and stay on a trend if you think that the direction is going well There are a lot of things about the realities in trend following. These have been a proven approach to trade successfully The author will teach investors the importance of consistency and discipline and other values that can lead you to the path of the most successful traders The book will help to be in a position to make big profits while you are learning to make correct decisions in trading Superb book indeed. Day Trading Tips. Are you tired of the same old day trading tips Like, cut your losses and let your profits run Never let a gain turn into a loss or the most repeated tip, Buy low, sell high. So how about something new Let me give you some specific day trading tips that will turn your trading around. A good defense beats a good offense over the long haul If you want to stay in the Trading game, then developing a good defense is a MUST. Rule Number One Cut your losses im mediately when the trade doesnt go your way Theres nothing harder to learn and nothing better Ill be even more specific The average run of the mill day trading advisor will tell you to enter a trade, place a stop of 2 to 4 points, place a target thats equal to your stop, or 2 to 3 times greater, and then wait for your stop to get hit This is a big mistake that is going to end up costing you. The time to wait is before you enter the trade, not after. Ive been trading for over 30 years, and I dont trade like the crowd The crowd waits for their stops to get hit They sit there hoping their trade comes back from negative to positive territory, but it usually doesnt and they lose money They believe that the edge probability of success isnt good enough on their entries This is the crowds approach and it just doesnt work. My day trading advice for you is to use radical soft stops that go against human nature. I write a market newsletter each day, giving my game plan for the next trading day I m as specific as possible including Support and Resistance levels that I will be buying and selling against, which provides you with great trade set ups nearly everyday. In trading, your entries and your exits must NOT come naturally at first Human nature is responsible for the fact that 90 of those day trading the eminis lose money If you follow the herd, youll lose money too. Some of my subscribers tell me it seems impossible to get out of a trade early, just because it doesnt move immediately into a profit They worry about commissions They worry that the trade will turn around and go their way in a few more seconds and theyll lose opportunity In fact most of the people reading this right now will try it for a few minutes hopefully on a trading simulator and decide it cant be done. Like I said, my techniques and day trading tips fly in the face of the untrained gut feeling And thats precisely why they work Exiting my way is not the whole picture when it comes to the method I use fo r day tr ading support and resistance. Any complex process has to be broken down into small chunks at first, a person has to learn one thing at a time, especially when you want to learn day trading. First I teach my traders a way to demand that the trade goes profitable immediately When it doesnt, I teach them to get out immediately. Radical, but it works. My day trading advice f or them is dont wait for the market to prove you wrong, instead, if the market doesnt immediately prove you right, run for the exits. Example Lets say you enter a day trade In the first 5 seconds it goes 3 or 4 ticks against you. What is your course of action. a Give it a chance, dont waste the commission. b Sit and hope that it turns around before it hits your stop. c Knowing your entry was excellent, sit tight and or move your hard stop away. d Add to the position scale in to bring your break-even point closer. e Get out of the position NOW Dont think about it, just get out. Believe it or not, e is the right answer in my book Yo u have to be flexible with everything, but this is the foundation of my trading style This is the default procedure. Does it work YES it works This is how Ive been day trading for the past 30 years But it only works IF you know where and when to enter. Let me show you how its done S ubscribe t o my RBI Updates and see how my support and resistance levels and market analysis will help your trading No matter what method youre using Want more day trading tips that work Put my experience to work for you SIGN UP NOW AND GET STARTED. Theres never been a better opportunity to turn the corner and become a consistent trader. For a complimentary copy of my Trading Tutorial, Basic Guide to Support and Resistance Trading, and also the Audio and Transcript of my 3 hour Trading Teleseminar, please go to the link below These are a gift to you, no strings attached. CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD PAGE. Indoor Soccer Coaching Tips from Coaches. Tips, Tactics, Strategies, Drills. Free Soccer Patches. Soccer Coaching DVD Sale. Note There are over 40 pages of Indoor Soccer Strategy, Drills, Tips and Tactics on SoccerHelp Premium.1 From Coach Matthew, Seattle USA. Most goals that are scored on an indoor field are rebounds It is very difficult to score on just a one touch shot past the goalie So when telling your players this, devise a strategy where all your players know when your guy girl is going to shoot the ball and have your forwards and center mid or rover charge the goalie so if a rebound occurs you have a high chance of a return rebound shot Matthew Seattle WA, U-17 Girls Select P-1 Coach.2 From Coach Robert, U-8 Boys, NC USA. I have found this useful In Practice, have the kids line up outside penalty area single file have 2 coaches on both sides of goal fire shots at an angle off the wall so that the ball rolls or bounces out to kids the 1st kid in line one touches a shot and goes to back of line next ball served immediately from other coach SoccerHelp Tip Teach your scorers usually Forwards and M idfielders to NOT stand too close to the opponent s goal or the rebound off the wall will go behind them and they will block a teammate s shot by being in the way i e they will be between the ball and the goal They should stay out far enough 10-15 feet from the goal that they can see the rebound and can quickly run onto the ball and one-touch shoot One Striker off the Near Post and one off the Far Post would be ideal.3 From Coach Joe. At the beginning of the game and after each of the opponent s goals start with on strong kick down field While passing backwards is common on outdoors kick-offs, passing backwards will turn your offense into defense in indoor The field is far to short to pass back across midfield. Teach your players to be ready When a shot is taken and hits the net above the goal it results in a throw for the goalie If your offense is heading down the field the goalie can quickly put the ball back to the offense. As I said your web-site Since you were soliciting tips on indo or soccer I felt you missed two of the biggest differences in my opinion between outdoor and indoor The Wall and the length of the pitch. The walls can be your best friend or worst enemy If you have a player in between you and the person you wish to pass to, and you are off to the side of the pitch the wall offers you a way to make that pass with zero chance of the player between intercepting You need to practice getting your angles right Also, a great way to go around the opposition is to bounce the ball off the wall to yourself The defender will normally turn with the ball towards the wall so you receive the ball and get your body between it and the defender before they can recover This is because you ran straight ahead and they had to turn. Also a great way to pass to a forward in deep is chip the ball against the wall close to the goal keeper The secret is to make it close enough to the goalie that they come towards it and get out of position but far enough that they cannot get it No w your forward is running towards the ball, in front of goal, with the keeper not set This works especially well if you have a forward that is faster than the defense, even if they are marked they are guaranteed to get the ball alone in front of goal You need to practice getting the right weight on these passes. The other aspect of the wall is the depth your strikers lurk at In outdoor they will go as deep as permitted by a defense However, in indoor no point hanging around that deep as most goals are rebounds I don t have a drill for this as adults naturally seem to get this, I never coached indoor kids However I do remember my kids coach copied on this e-mail had a good drill last year that had one girl shooting off the wall beside goal and the other standing high for a rebound I am sure Chery will share it with you. The length of the pitch is HUGE because if you fail to control a ball coming at you in midfield you are under threat in your own end instantly Add to that, the ball bounce s more than outdoor higher and harder So players should practice using their body to control the ball How many times in adult indoor do you see somebody flailing their feet at a high bounce to their side and the ball ends up at a forward behind them For this I do a simple drill that also helps wall passing skills Set up a about 5 feet behind a line Coach stands 5-10 foot behind the cone player stands the same distance behind the line All around 10 - 15 feet from a wall Coach bounces the ball so it rises around waist to chest height slightly to the side of the player The player moves forward bringing the ball down with the chest then passes back to the coach around the cone It is essential that they cross the line before passing because this will build the habit of moving towards the ball If you stand still and chest it down 9 times out of 10 the person marking you will get it The forward motion is to get separation and get your player moving in the right direction My adult team last ye ar gave up at LEAST ten goals where guys let the ball get past them and we were all caught out The other benefit of controlling these high balls is it trains your forwards on how to better control those passes coming off the end wall I was discussing previously. Anyway, as much as I love theorizing on soccer I have to work.5 From Coach John, St Louis USA. Here are a few shooting tips for indoor wingers keep bounce passes low, especially near the goal to allow the pass receiver or your striker to have a better chance at a one-timer or one touch shot on goal remind players that like on a pool table, generally the angle of incidence equals angle of deflection in other words, a pass that meets the wall at around a 45 degree angle will roughly come off the wall at an equal but opposite angle If a winger can deliver a pass from near the side wall to 6 or 8 feet off the near post , the ball should meet the center near the middle of the front of the goal Try to avoid kicking the ball into the co rner near the opposing goal, as it will most certainly roll right into the goalie s waiting hands Much like a hockey puck shot into the corner from John - St Louis rec coach girls 14-U and boys 11-U.6 From Coach Dawn, BC Canada. Here s a few tips that my team has found helpful in indoor play.1 In 6 aside play, we use one sweeper, two mids and three forwards in a triangular formation in front of the opponents goal Some indoor fields have a semi-circular crease in front of the goalie that no other player is allowed to handle the ball in although it s ok to run through the crease The triangular offensive positioning allows for passes through the crease to team mate to provide shooting opportunities.2 The ball travels much faster indoors, therefore the play is very quick and decisive It works best in these conditions to keep the ball low, often fast, hard passes with top spin.3 There is no offside rule in indoor soccer, so we always have a striker high up in the field ready for the transiti on to offence.4 If not playing off the walls, the ball is kicked in on the touch lines instead of a throw in Hope these are helpful, kind regards, Dawn.7 From Coach Garry, TX USA. Indoor defense Keep one of your mids fwds backs on the attacking side board when on defense Deny this attacking expressway to your opponent It is protected even more than the touchline is in outdoor Force them into the middle at the center of the pitch , where opportunities for steals, tackles and stops are better The GK s vision of the attackers is also clearer when the ball is away from the wall The cross and slam attack can also be thwarted by keeping the attack in the center. Our Reply Hi Garry. Could you expand on this a little Would you leave one player on each side Would it be better for most teams to have the mids cover the sides wouldn t it be dangerous to ask the Fullbacks to cover the sides. Garry s Answer In transition we encourage the appropriate depth player to get to the boards on the side that the ball is advancing and to keep her outside shoulder in close proximity to the boards to stop an attack up the boards Her partner moves over to the center of the pitch, ball side of second attackers We play 5 on 5 with GK s so we only have 1 MF on the field When the MB is the player stopping this kind of attack, the other MB must get in front of the goal immediately The MF must get back and play as a rover, clogging passing lanes If the attack is broken up by a F or MF, the other two move to near support positions ball side of the second attackers to receive the ball if the tackle is successful and to otherwise deny space and passing lanes to the pressured attacker towards the center and up the pitch When the ball is played away from the boards by the attacker to avoid our pressure, the defending player first defender must move aggressively to continue the pressure, tackle the ball, or force a pass that can be taken away by the remaining F, MF, or MB We prefer for the attack to come up the middle where we can defend and pressure the attacker from both sides Play off of the boards is also limited and easier to react to when the initial attack comes from the middle This usually results in a slower developing attack and presents many opportunities to tackle the ball or to intercept a wayward pass and then move onto the attack ourselves As in hockey, a ball well driven up the boards without defensive pressure will wind up deep in the attacking zone and often will negate the defense of one MB and the MF The GK is left to deal with these sorts of balls as the primary stopper It is easier for an attacking team to develop numbers at the goal when the ball is advanced swiftly up the boards A loose ball in this zone can mean disaster for defenders if a speedy attacker gets a one timer opportunity in this area.8 From Lee, Player and Coach, Orange NSW Australia.1 While Soccer is a methodical game, indoor is much different, it is a fast paced game requiring a team that can work t ogether without need of a set plan by knowing each others games, positions and Strengths, team members can adjust and make do with any changes in a game.2 Indoor Soccer is a fast game that usually forces no player to remain motionless, this of cause results in players save for the goalie getting exhausted, a team with enough players will need to work out a substitution system I ve noticed that a close game is not necessarily won by the team with the best players, tactics etc, but by a team that can play Indoor soccer for Both halfs.3 When being chased into a corner in your own half but having lots of time, an effective technique is to hold the ball in the corner, this will result in different things happening depending on your opposition a An opposing player s will be committed to intercept you, this draws a player off one of your own You can then counter by passing up the line or at an angle to a free player b Players will stand off waiting for you to pass, giving you the option to ru n yourself If something goes wrong, you can play the ball to the goalie, or if they manage to take the ball, considering you remain in the corner, won t have an angle to openly attack the goal.4 Calling a name when asking for the ball may not be the best method of opening a play, by calling a name, you draw attention, not just from your team mates A simple whistle or raised hand can be effective and discreet.5 Directly passing to a player is often not the best method or option, the rule of thumb is to pass the ball into space where your player is most likely to gain possession.6 NEVER pass the ball across the front of the goal if you can help it, this opens up a massive chance for the opposition to score if a mistake occurs.7 Its best not to try fancy footwork directly in front of your goal because if the ball is lost, your goal is wide open. From Lee, Orange NSW, Mid-fielder for Strength and Honour 16-18 Mixed division Play-On Indoor I currently Coach 2 Teams and play for 3, my Top Tea m, Strength and Honour won State Representation, which was extremely satisfying in all aspects of the game.9 More Tips From Lee, Player and Coach, Orange NSW Australia. Here s some more Indoor tips as you requested, if you have any requests etc, please don t hesitate to ask.1 Most indoor stadiums are bordered by a net, play this to your advantage, simply kicking the ball off the net and running around the other side of a contesting player is very effective as the opposition has to keep track of 2 objects, also, kicking a ball up the line using the net as a guide assures accuracy and a hard ball to stop for the defender HOWEVER, you may want to check your local rules, the traditional Rebound Rules state that by leaning into a net, gripping the net, or using the Net in conjunction with your body to your advantage is illegal and a penalty will be given at the discretion of the Ref.2 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Talk to your Defenders and inform them o f players in possible goal scoring positions and inform your defenders if they haven t picked up strays.3 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Deploy the ball quickly after a save, this will trigger a counter attack, and the attacking players will be out of any possible defensive position.4 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon In one on One situations, creep forward slowly but keep an eye on your position relative to the goal, get low and spread yourself to cut down as much angle as possible.5 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Knee and Elbow Pads can make life easier on your body, while you ll want to stay on your feet as much as possible, this is not always an option, better to be safe than sorry.6 An important rule to know if it applies to your team is the backwards motion rule, if a player is in possession of the ball, they are NOT allowed to back into a defender to gain ground, there is a 2 meter Le-way, the only exception to this rule is when the player receives the ball while moving in a backwards direction, then its up to the Ref when enough ground has been gained This opens up a number of cheap tactics that can be played One such tactic is to shoulder the defender then claim the defender was pushing into them, this is dishonest, but watch for it when defending When in a defensive position, it is a natural reaction to place your arms out to the sides to indicate you re not pushing the possessing player, but if the player tries to make a break, and runs into your arms, its considered a block and a penalty will be issued.7 Indoor soccer balls are usually made of different materials and behave much differently than normal soccer balls, it may be a wise investment to buy one or go to your local stadium and practise with them to understand the physics and movement of the ball.8 When running at high speed with possession of the ball, a simple tactic to rid opposition is to merely put your foot on the ball and stop moving Their momentum will carry them away from you, and you ll be able to react quicker because you knew what was going to happen. Hope these are insightful, I ll send you more next when I have a chance. Thanks for your time and this opportunity.10 From Coach Dave. Help I have gotten a lot from your site and I need more help We have been having a lot of indoor practices because of the weather Do you have suggestions for effective indoor practices held in a gym My team is made up of 8 year old girls Thanks. I could also use advice on formations for 8v8 that will be played on a large field We are a recreational team, and I am thinking about using two fullbacks by the goal with a stopper in front I am not sure about the number of midfielders and forwards Any suggestions By the way we are using the soccer patch incentives and the Mia Hamm videos, the girls love them Thanks Dave. Our Answer Hi Dave.1 for indoor practices most of the Premium Practice Games work and are the best thing to do Another option are the drills on the Championship Soccer Drills tape, although the Premium games are better.2 for 8v8, there is an 8v8 section on Premium that discusses how to teach a 2-1-2-2, which is a formation I recommend, and a 3-3-1 and 3-2-2 If you use 2 FB s and a Stopper, use 2 MF s and 2 Forwards.11 From Julie, U-10, Pennsylvania USA. My son has played lots of indoor soccer The most successful line-up seems to be 2-1-2, with a roving center like you suggest The best tip he received on defense was to make sure the defense never is flat One pushes up and almost plays as a forward while the other stays back and but to the opposite side This way if the forward defender gets beat he just moves over which is quicker then turning and running The defenders alternate who goes up and who stays back Depending on the experience of the players the coach has them decide or he will direct This can work even at 2nd grade if the players are advance but w ill my son s team really started using this well at U10.12 From Coach Dale, Canada. The center forward should play like a midfielder When on defense, the center plays defence responsible for the top of the box When on an attack the center backs up the wingers providing an option for the winger to pass the ball back The wingers tend to get trapped in the corners trying to pass the ball out in front This creates an opportunity to pass the ball around the defence to the other winger who should be positioned in front of the net Also, when the defence tries to clear the ball it is usually along the boards If the team can control the ball in the offensive zone long enough for the defence to take over this role, then the center can take a position at the top of the keepers box.13 From Coach Kristjan, Nova Scotia Canada. I am a competitive Tier 1 Soccer Coach for Halifax City Wanderers I coach a Tier 1 under 14 Girls city soccer team from Halifax Nova Scotia Canada The following is my one tip of many for indoor soccer.1 Stress the importance of everyone being a striker in indoor soccer that is on the floor Indicate that it is important to shoot at any opportunity when past the half mark and send your fastest strikers 2 in for the rebound. To practise this in a drill have all your players with a ball dribbling it around the gym in a coned off area The Keeper will be in net The players are to do the following at the sound of the whistle or key word.1 one whistle - sprint with ball for 2 seconds then slow down with ball.2 two whistles - change direction with ball.3 turn - 180 degree turn with ball going opposite direction.4 stop - stop with ball on one foot.5 juggle - stop and juggle ball on stop. During this drill the Coach will say players name throughout the drill and the player whose name is called has two touches to kick the ball at the goaltender from wherever that player may be The keeper then passes the ball back to the player and the player then continues dribbling with b all. I find this drill sharpens the players agility with the ball and also improves their reaction time Not only this but it demonstrates that in indoor soccer you can shoot from almost anywhere past half and have a good opportunity to score. Here are two tips for indoor soccer.1 take as many shots as possible as the rebounds off the walls can set up scoring chances.2 Ground passes are necessary in indoor even more so than outdoor due to how small the field is and if the ball is cleared outside the field you will be giving a free kick from that spot. I think you should really stress on teaching how to use the walls, it comes in handy when getting around people, or even centering the ball for a shot.16 From Coach Charles. I m a 4 year rec coach, into my first year as a travel coach 1 outdoor season and I have some questions about indoor soccer I coach a U11 Boys team and we re in between Fall and Spring outdoor seasons The town has offered me the use of gym facility for the Winter and I m t rying to put together a training plan approach I ve checked Soccer Help and gotten good tips, but don t know what size to make the goals indoors 3,4,5 steps And I d like an opinion on whether or not indoor training can be beneficial for outdoor players Are the same type and size soccer balls used indoors i e size 4.Our Answer Hi Charles. Yes, indoor training can be beneficial for outdoor players, but be careful to keep it relevant e g have them play like they would outdoors, except in a smaller area, and don t allow play off the walls. Many of the SoccerHelp games work great indoors, and many were developed indoors. I would make the goals 4 steps wide and scrimmage without a goalie We used painters tape to mark goals on the wall and also used it to mark the floor it is easy to remove and doesn t leave glue. Yes, use the same size ball There are fuzz covered indoor balls like giant tennis balls , but we mostly used regular soccer balls, and I don t think it s worth the cost of the special b alls Have one ball per player.17 From Coach Jason, Australia. There are 3 basic states to the game. Offense - When your team has the ball. Defense - When opponent has the ball. Set Plays - Penalties etc. When in offence all players should break free of their markers and get into Space Spread out evenly across the field Pass instead of running it yourself And keep the game slow But if the other team turned up without subs, speed up and run a lot to tire them out If you can sub and they can t you ll have the advantage. As soon as the ball is handed over, DEFEND Each player has to choose 1 Opponent and mark him Stay with him, on the goal side If everyone on the Opposing team is marked by one of your players they ll find it very difficult to score. If you double up, have 2 defenders on one player then there is an opposing player who isn t covered. Set-play Do not sub on set plays Make sure you practice them as they are one of the best opportunities to score. Other tips Play quickly i e quick shots An unsuspected shot from the Kick-off can take the keeper by surprise As can a shot from behind the halfway line. Keep an eye open, if you see the opposition running off for a sub, pass it to the Man that s been left unmarked.18 From Sasha, 29, goalie in Toronto Competitive Indoor Soccer League. When you re faced with a breakaway - and it happens more often than not, believe me - don t be afraid to come out and challenge the play Just as in hockey, coming out and challenging the attacker will drastically cut down on the visible net they can shoot at While doing this, don t go down too soon By keeping on your feet and holding your arms and hands down low, you block most of the net.19 From Sasha, 29, goalie in Toronto Competitive Indoor Soccer League. Talk to your defence, especially during corner attacks When an attacker is at the side of your goal, your ideal position is against the post standing tall, with a defenceman covering the center of the crease in case of a centering attempt It is up to you to coordinate this, and can be accomplished as simply as yelling watch the center.20 From Shane, Melbourne, Australia. From personal experience the greatest key t o success in indoor soccer is passing. I see too many players who play indoor soccer like it is outdoors, they try to take on too many defenders with fast ball handling dribbling only to get caught or double-teamed and loose the ball An indoor soccer field is too small to play like this the defenders are too concentrated Also, you are constantly on the move in indoor soccer so if you continue to attack in such a fashion you are not going to have the energy to defend. Call for the ball. Make leads, don t just stand there n If you want the ball passed to you, run to open space so you are open for a pass This will give your teammate with the ball a passing opportunity Ideally, run to open space forward, not toward your own goal. Don t wait for a pass to come to you, run to meet the ball This will prevent interception Otherwise, it s easy for the man marking you to step in front of you and steal the ball. Don t try to be a hero and take on the whole team by dribbling too much. 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Alle Preisangaben inkl gesetzl MwSt zzgl Versandkosten. Jodi S W Whitcomb, MS, Doctoral Candidate Director of Organizational Development and Training KidsPeace Institute, Orefield, PA. Jodi Whitcomb, Director of Organizational Development and Training for the KidsPeace Institute, has more than 20 years experience working in childrens mental and behavioral health She has a broad range of clinical and management experience serving children ages 4-21 with various diagnoses in short-term and long-term hospital, therapeutic residential, independent living and drug and alcohol rehabilitative settings She is currently pursuing a doctorate in Psychology with Capella Universit y Jodi completed LSCI certification in 1998 at KidsPeace under the instruction of Mark Freado She became a Senior LSCI instructor in the year 2000 and received the distinct honor of becoming an LSCI Master instructor at the 2011 Recertification Conference She has published articles on the topics of bullying, trauma and crisis intervention and been interviewed by major media outlets on the topics of parenting, child safety and other issues In addition to LSCI she has been teaching and developing curriculum over the past 17 years on various topics including trauma, resilience, suicide, bullying, human development, preventing abuse and more Jodi has been invited to speak at local, regional and national conferences on these and other topics relating to the mental health profession Jodi has twin sons who are currently pursuing higher education in the areas of law and medicine She currently resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband Andy. Want to know how to get into gap trading. I m listing my 11 easiest gap trading strategies for you to try out Gap trading suits every trading style, from day trading to options trading. If you don t know what gaps are yet, first get my complimentary guide, The Gap Method Read it all the way through before you read the gap trading strategies below. Day trading gaps is possible, profitable, and easy Almost every stock opens at a different price than it closes If you Bet in the direction of the gap filling every day, you will be right nearly 100 of the time. If a stock opens higher than it closed yesterday, short the stock If it opens lower, buy the stock Close your position as soon as the gap is filled. Pro Almost always right. Con Need a large amount of money to get started.2 Options Trading. Options trading can be complex because of the vast amount of options trading strategies Besides the simple call and put options, which allow you 100 times the leverage of a stock without the price, you have methods to generate immediate income, prof it from time, and even profit by guessing a stock s trading region on a specific date Most options traders start with simple calls, getting as much as 100 times the profit that the stock buyer gets, but you might consider other options trading strategies. Overall, with options trading, you have many options pun intended Thus, for options trading on gaps, I m going to lay out the major options strategies available to you Read the following for a list of strategies useful in options trading.3 Credit Spread. In a credit spread, you sell one option and buy another, cheaper, option In this way, you re making cash with the sold option and protecting yourself against loss on the bought option For gaps, it s best to play this on breakaway gaps that look like they will continue away from the gap. Pros Instant income, protection against risk, you don t have to be right to profit. Cons You need lots of margin for the most profitable credit spreads. A debit spread is like a credit spread but backwards For a debit spread, you buy the more expensive option and sell a less expensive option The bought option increases in value as the stock goes in the direction you want the sold option protects you against time decay. When you play a debit spread on gaps, you should usually aim for area gaps, as you ll know your price target with an area gap Place the sold option at your price target Buy the other option at-the-money or in-the-money. Pros Profitable and protection against time decay. Cons Your profit is limited to the difference in the strike prices, times 100 e g for a 21 and 30 debit spread, you can only make 900 max, no matter how high the stock goes.5 Iron butterfly. An iron butterfly is playing two credit spreads at the same time, with the sold call and sold put having the same strike price You get the benefit of both credit spreads You should only use an iron butterfly when you believe the stock will stay at or around the current price. When you play an iron butterfly after a gap, you re getting more money than you d get if you hadn t played it after a gap The reason is that gaps increase the volatility of the stock, and the iron butterfly s price is attached to the volatility Generally, you want to play an iron butterfly after a breakaway gap that you think will level out. Pros Lots of income around double that of the credit spread. Con You have to be very sure of the stability of the stock to choose the correct strike price for the sold options. The iron condor works much like the iron butterfly You re playing two credit spreads at once However, the sold options don t have the same strike price there is some space between the strike prices As long as the stock is between those two strike prices when the options expire, you can keep all of the income obtained from playing the iron condor. For gaps, you should, like the iron butterfly, focus on breakaway gaps that you believe will stabilize Determine the area that the stock will stabilize at, and sell the options at the strike prices that determine that area s range For example, if a stock gapped up to 44, and you think it will stay between 43 and 45, sell a call at 45 and a put at 43.Pros Almost as profitable as the iron butterfly, but you don t need to be so precise in your predictions. Cons Less profit than the iron butterfly and requires the most margin of all options plays.7 Calendar Spread. The calendar spread is another sideways options strategy that allows you to profit when a stock stabilizes For a calendar spread, you use two options calls or puts, it usually doesn t matter The options are identical except for two things the expiration date and whether you re buying or selling. Again, for sideways strategies such as the calendar spread, you want to play them on breakaway gaps that will stabilize If the stock is trading at 44, and you think it will stay at 44, sell a put at 44 and buy a put at 44, with the bought put having a later expiration date In this way, you benefit from the time decay an d have the ability to pivot by buying back the sold option, turning your play into a pure call or put. Pros Profit from time, no need for margin, super cheap, and the ability to pivot. Cons Profit margins tend to be small. Trading penny stocks on gaps is a good idea, as long as the gap implies the stock will be bullish Penny stocks can bring in profit margins that few blue-chip stocks can And when you play them on gaps, you re taking a lot of the guesswork out of which penny stocks to pick. MACD Trading Strategies for Bottoming Entries. Types of Indicators to Use After a Downtrend. One of the tougher things to learn in trading is the right time to enter a stock after a long Downtrend Many times traders are too eager and get into a stock that looks as if the bottom is well underway, but then discover that the stock does not move as they expected. The chart example below for Seagate Tech Hldgs NASDAQ STX formed a rounding top candlestick pattern in late December 2014 and has been trending since then. It started moving sideways in what many traders who use MACD thought was the end of the Downtrend, with the likelihood of momentum upside energy. Trading Strategies for Bottoming Entries using MACD based on standard settings of 12 and 26 with an EMA of 9, indicated an entry crossover signal on 7 17 15 However instead of running with momentum as traders were expecting, the price in July moved sideways for over a week barely moving from the original entry price It moved up slightly, and then the following week moved down with MACD lagging as an exit signal on 8 20 15 for a losing trade. What Technical Traders are missing when using MACD in trading strategies for Bottoming Entries as their entry indicator, is Quantity data This is one of the most important pieces of data that comes from the market yet it is rarely used, and very few indicators include Quantity in their formulas Therefore many Price and Time momentum indicators give false buy signals that cause whipsaw trades, or weak price movement trades. An Introduction to Online Trading with Forex. Posted By admin on June 27, 2015.Trading on the stock market used to be a portal opened only to the wealthy and big business Those of us outside of the industry would have to rely on commercial banks and investment banks to have any contact with the stock market world, and then came the internet With the internet everything changed, including trading on the stock market Now a regular person, maybe like you, can trade on the stock market online One of these online trading portals is the well-known Forex trading. First a definition of Forex is necessary Forex, which is abbreviated to FX, is a market that allows you to trade currencies online It is open five days of the week, and on those days it is open for 24 hours It is the largest market in the world and has a value of no less than 1 9 trillion a day, which also makes it the leader in terms of liquidity as well It allows firms, countries or any person to trade on its pl atform and that leads to it being the largest market in the world in terms of monetary value It is interesting to note that there is no central marketplace for trading, however participants have to do their trading electronically over the counter. Ways of trading on forex. If you are interested in trading in the Forex market you need to know that there are three ways of trading These three are spot market, the futures market and the forwards market Spot market is the most popular form of trading on forex and is what most individuals are referring to when they are speaking about the forex market The forwards and futures markets are more popular with companies and firms. Spot market This is where you buy and sell currencies at their current price This is a transaction between buyer and seller where the seller provides an agreed currency amount which is bought by the buyer at the agreed exchange rate value between the two Once the deal is complete, it is called a spot deal This is how the na me of the market is arrived at. Future and forwards market The big difference between these two markets and the spot market is the fact that they do not trade actual currencies What they trade in is contracts that are representations of a future value of a specific currency The contracts specify the type of currency, its price per unit and a date of settlement set in the future. Futures contracts include the number of traded units, the dates for delivery and settlement, and the smallest price changes that cannot be modified These contracts are traded based on a standardized size and date of settlement on a specific public commodities trading place. The forwards market on the other hand is traded over the counter between two parties who agree upon terms themselves So, unlike the futures market where trade value is set by a market, the value is set by both parties. 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An efficient winning strategy in binary options also contains money management The money management part in binary options is not a strategy that will help you predict the movement of certain assets It s a strategy that will help you manage your assets well in order to achieve your desired profitability ratio. Mon ey management is generally ignored by most binary options traders This is because they believe that it s enough to be able to predict the movement of the assets and everything else will follow automatically after this However, if you don t have the necessary discipline in order to manage your finances you might actually end up losing money rather than winning. A good binary options money management strategy basically has two main parts, which are taking some risks as well as having the discipline to abide to the rules that you have proposed in your money management strategy. 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We re proud to serve our community by offering you the best in financial education a t our state-of-the-art center Since 1997, Online Trading Academy has been committed to teaching the skills you need to make smarter investment decisions by using our Patented Supply and Demand Strategy Our courses include instruction from experienced professional traders, hands-on trading using state-of-the-art equipment and tools, and a framework for building a customized trading plan We have helped thousands of investors and traders, novice and experienced, learn the skills and tools needed to trade with the confidence of the pros. Upcoming Workshop Schedule. What Our Students Are Saying.5 stars - based on 4 reviews. Retaking OTA s classes is the best thing to attain full mastery of trading Every OTA instructor is well experienced and different from each other I learned many new things from each one of them and it makes my knowledge much more solid Thanks OTA. Great GBP JPY 1M scalping strategy. Great GBP JPY 1M scalping strategy. Currency GBP JPY or USD JPY though i use it mainly on gbp j py. Timeframe 1M, 5M, 15M. Indicators 3 sets of bollinger bands.1 Period 50 Deviation 2 RED.2 Period 50 Deviation 3 orange.3 Period 50 Deviation 4 Yellow. Once you load your template you will notice the three sets of bollinger bands Now, price will constantly range between these lines. When price crosses the upper red band at least half way to the orange band if it gets to the yellow band is better but not as usual Then the price will tend to retrace towards the center of the bollinger bands, you profit form this retracing. Buy Strategy, it is the same as selling, the difference is that we will wait for the price to range between the lower red and yellow bands, and trade the retracing towards the center. Tips do not trade on ranging, or quiet markets, do not trade previous to news releases Go for 5 to 10 pips Great system to trade between opening of london session and the closing of the japan session. Stop Loss since this strategy requires you to look at the screen remember this is the 1M tim e frame I tend to have two kinds of stops time based and loss based. Time based Try and figure out how long will it take the market to get in your expected direction, if the time that you planned is already due, then close the order No point on waiting for a loss. Stop Loss Since you are trading a very tight time frame your stops should also very very tight Sometimes, you will profit from a 3 minute trade and you wont be able to set a proper S L So your stops will be given to you by your money management system. Download Template for Metatrader Platform. Trade Entry Profile. Picking The Right Entry. A few summers ago I received several emails from readers who enjoyed two separate posts I wrote Opening Range Breakouts and Retracement Entries Often times the emails I received have common themes, for example that I write about one particular topic and sometimes I will get dozens of comments or requests asking me to write about completely unrelated topics On this particular occasion, the great m ajority were requests for additional entry methods Specifically, I was asked several times to provide entries that provide 3 specific traits high probability of working out in your favor, small stop loss levels to minimize risk and lastly, tremendous profit potential. Every entry method has unique characteristics. Unfortunately, after reviewing the emails, I quickly realized that before writing the two previous posts, I should have written a more general one outlining different entry profiles The reason why I think its important to understand entry profiles is because it will make you understand the underlying predisposition of market behavior as it relates to your particular entry style To phrase this differently, each entry style has inherit characteristics that appear during a particular trade set up Once you understand that each entry style has its own unique advantage and disadvantage, you will be better aware and prepared to realistically assess the value of each new entry method y ou come across To provide a brief example, if you knew that scalping methods are commonly associated with small profits, you would probably avoid scalping if your major concern is large profit targets or if your major interest is high probability entry strategies, then short term breakout entries would probably be on the bottom of your list. This is precisely the reason why I get so frustrated by trading advertisements that promise entry methods that provide high probability, low risk and large profit potential all in one The reality of the situation is markets go up, down and sideways and there are only a few different ways to enter markets and each way has its own positive and negative profile associated with it. Risk associated with entry is indicative of profit potential. Most entries fall into one of these three areas High risk, Medium risk and Low risk While initially you may ask yourself why would anyone want to trade anything but a low risk entry method The answer is very simple T he risk associated with the entry is typically indicative of the profit potential or the reward of the trade Hence, high risk entries typically have the largest profit potential, medium risk strategies have medium profit potential and low risk entries are usually associated with the lowest profit potential of the three entry methods. To put this into context I would consider breakout or trend following entries as having the highest risk and highest profit potential, reversal or retracement entries as having medium risk and average profit potential and scalping methods having the lowest risk and lowest profit potential Coincidentally, high profit potential trades typically have low percentage of profitability, medium or average profit potential trades have average win to loss ratio and scalp style trades or low risk trades have high percentage of winners to losers ratio. Most entries fall into three categories. The reason why I wanted to bring up the three categories is because I think its important for you to know as soon as possible what type of risk and reward profile is inherent in the type of entry you use Meaning, dont expect to find a breakout trading strategy that has an ultra conservative stop loss level or a scalping strategy that promises big profit potential, its just not very likely to happen The same principal applies to scalp style trading styles Typically, day traders scalp during quiet time periods when markets are not unusually volatile This allows traders to take quick profits without the risk of volatility creating additional risk to the position Traders who initiate scalp style trades during periods of high volatility, increase the risk of positions going against them substantially more because there is less control when liquidating the position and the odds of the fill being worse than expected is dramatically increased, putting the trader in a position where there is a risk of having one losing trade wipe out profits from several successful trades. If you think about this logically, most breakouts are accompanied by high volatility and increase in volume, when traders use tight stop loss levels in this market environment, the odds are very high that they will be stopped out of a trade Therefore, breakouts typically are inherently volatile strategies that have a high risk and a high reward profile. Reversals experience less volatility than breakouts. Another good example is when markets are reversing after a long trending move in one particular direction, there is usually a consolidation in volatility, mostly because majority of the time, immediately prior to a reversal, markets tend to peak out and expand all the volatility and range expansion on the last leg of the remaining trend This doesnt occur each and every time but it occurs the majority of the time, especially after a strong trend in the preceding direction has just ended Since reversals happen when markets consolidate, there is less volatility and in turn less risk than when breakout occur, therefore reversals tend to be less volatile and therefore more risk adverse than breakout entry methods. Similarly, market retracement also occurs when the market backs away from the direction of the prevailing trend and begins to consolidate and slowly change direction, even though only temporarily This short pullback away from the main trend is typically accompanied by contraction in volatility, causing less risk and in turn less profit potential as a result. I can provide additional examples, but by now I think you are starting to see my reasoning for writing about this topic My main point is to get you to understand that each different entry method has different characteristics associated with it and once you realize and more importantly internalize this, you will begin to gain insight into which entry method fits your psychological makeup, comfort level and risk tolerance. Trusting your entry is very important. Only when you can internalize and truly understand t he positive aspects and more importantly the negative aspects of your trading strategy every strategy has both will you completely trust and follow your trading rules during a losing period The biggest reason why traders abandon their trading strategy is lack of trust in their trading method during draw downs losing periods. The second reason why I want to bring awareness to trade entry profiling is because most traders who are just starting out need a positive trading environment, this is crucial so that your neutral attitude towards the markets does not become altered by fear and anxiety which occurs all too often when traders are just starting out and experience a losing period in the beginning of their career. Your entry method must match your personality. Many years ago I coached a trader who was just starting out and wanted to learn to scalp the E-mini SP market during the trading day After teaching the trader a few basic scalping strategies and watching him execute trades I noticed that the trader was great at cutting losers but had a difficult time following several indicators throughout the trading session I discussed extending the time frame and adjusting the exit parameters and in the end, the trader ended up with a strategy that felt very natural and comfortable As a result he remained loyal to this particular strategy and made very few changes throughout the years. The point of sharing this story is to demonstrate the importance of matching the strategy to your personality When you know the particular upside and downside and the natural propensity of your entry, you will be better prepared and experience less stress and anxiety in your trading This will build confidence and lead to a positive trading experience in the long run. Good luck in your trading. H4 trading strategy. amjad23510 said 09-02-2014 07 35 PM. H4 trading strategy. This strategy is useful for long term trading on H4 and D1 chart i have been using this strategy since long and now planed to share with my friends. i have attached two indicators that are used in this strategy just insert these indicator in you mt4.Firt indicator is in the form of lines these lines indicator long term trend and the second indicator is in the form of stars these stars give us signal for entry. I recommend its use for H4 chart just follow the long term trend support the market is bellow the yellow line, now you need to follow the red stars for sell entries as i have shown in the picture. remember to place a proper stop loss according to your risk reward ratio Attachment 11596.H4 trading strategy. amjad23510 said 09-02-2014 07 35 PM. H4 trading strategy. This strategy is useful for long term trading on H4 and D1 chart i have been using this strategy since long and now planed to share with my friends. i have attached two indicators that are used in this strategy just insert these indicator in you mt4.Firt indicator is in the form of lines these lines indicator long term trend and the second indicator is in t he form of stars these stars give us signal for entry. I recommend its use for H4 chart just follow the long term trend support the market is bellow the yellow line, now you need to follow the red stars for sell entries as i have shown in the picture. remember to place a proper stop loss according to your risk reward ratio Attachment 11596.Binary options broker vergleich xp binary option trader affiliates. 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Organization and Employee Development. MIT Human Resources. To ensure the organization is served in both the short and longer term, a strategic approach to training is key Training itself, of course, varies in delivery methods from e-learning segments taken online, to live classroom training, to off-site programs, learning on-the-job, cohort-based webinars, and other formats Given delivery options as well as many other variables, what does it mean for an organizations approach to training and learning to be strategic. Fundamentally, a strategy involves a plan to get from a starting point to a particular goal or set of goals A strategic training plan would involve articulating these intended outcomes and a combination of several related aspects These include but are not limited to the following aspects. Clearly articulated outcomes. These may be called desired outcomes, goals, results, or end-states For a plan to be strategic, intended outcomes need to be articulated, decided, and supported The destination provides the focus, and with clarity about the focus, a strategy to reach it can be developed. Before or soon after the process of articulating the desired outcomes, it can be helpful to delineate the guiding principles that support the inherent values of the organization For example, Providing timely and effective feedback to staff is important to our organizations success, might be a principle that could help guide the development of a training program for managers In this way, management development programs might refer to a model for fee dback that is used throughout the different management training sessions Articulating the guiding principles supports organization values and provides direction for the process in reaching the goals. Impact on the organizations mission and operations. A training plan is strategic if it fundamentally underscores and impacts the organizations operations and mission This bottom line may be increased revenue or it may be other aspects that impact the fundamental focus of that organization Desired results must be articulated and benefit the future state of the organization For example, by ensuring training is standardized for project managers, project timeframes and deadlines may be more accurate and achievable. Both senior members and managers should be aware, supportive, and engaged in the program planning and offerings Without their involvement, staff may conclude the training does not matter to these senior leaders With senior staff and management input and presence, staff know they can ta ke the time to attend the trainings and be supported on the job In addition, to bridge classroom or online learning programs to actual on-the-job needs, the role of the front-line manager cannot be underestimated If John in department B takes a two-day training on meeting facilitation skills, but returns to his home office and never facilitates a meeting, the trainings use is limited Bridging the connection between the formal and informal depends on the front line manager who needs to be specifically involved This involvement may include choice of training, content, on-the-job support, measurement, and other aspects. Most training programs should include a needs assessment to determine specific training needs Needs assessments involve many of the factors noted above and provide strategic insight into, literally, the what that is needed However, sometimes a group or an area already knows its needs For example, if software has just been updated, it may be obvious that staff need training to use it This just-in-time training addresses an immediate need and is more tactically focused Sometimes, just-in-time training is delivered alongside long-term planning That is, just-in-time training and assessing needs do not need to oppose each other Both may be just what is needed Often, a gap assessment is also explored and clarified A gap assessment identifies the gap between the current state and the futures goals, and then training can be provided to meet these needs. How will the training results be measured and sustained Although these are two different questions, they go hand-in-hand because it is difficult to ensure sustainability without measurement Also, different types of measurement and different returns on the resource investment to take these measurements need careful consideration This resource investment includes staffing and other resources to develop, organize, and implement chosen measures There are numerous trainings available on return on investment ROI and dif ferent calculations and processes from which the ROI might be determined Exploring these choices of measurement and making decisions regarding best use of resources assist in reaching the desired goals In other words if the cost of measurement exceeds the use of the measurement, such measures are not strategic At the same time, without clear measures, it can be difficult to sustain the training and know if it is producing the desired results So, it is important to explore the measurement options and make choices that work well for the organization. Although sometimes overlooked, end-user input in both the assessment as well as later phases, facilitates strategic planning This might be done through focus groups, interviews, surveys, or a combination of these options Does the training plan incorporate and meet the perspective of those very people who will use it If so, strategic goals are far more likely to be reached. How is performance measured in the organization and how does this relat e to the training plan If Lee takes a training on rolling out a new software program for his department, is he measured on his success in doing so If Lee takes this training, but in his performance review is rated on entirely other measures, the training does not relate directly to his review For an organizations training plan to be strategic, the connection to performance reviews and measures to that training is critical If connected, the organization enhances its strategic orientation because training is then applied, literally, to what is expected to happen on the job This means that it is far more likely the goals will be reached. Developing the timeframe as part of the goal will support reaching the goals successfully for the organization Timeframes vary Some groups now plan in tighter timeframes given the speed and pace of todays technology and workplace While some think in terms of 1-3 months, others in 1-3 or 3-5 year spans Choosing the timeliness of trainings is also key to ans wering the question of whether the learning can be fully applied on the job For success, infrastructure e g management support is needed to ensure applicability and sustainability within the timeframe as planned. Who will lead these efforts forward and with what team and sponsorship Designating the players including a project manager is key to reaching training goals Delineating the actions to be taken, the schedule, and the roles what, when, who allows for successful implementation. A starting point, clear goals, and a plan to reach these goals suggest a strategic orientation To be successful, however, implementation planning, compelling communications, and inspired teaching are essential Also key is the participation level of those who attend Strategy can create the structure for excellent instruction and training However, it is the combination of strategy with inspired instruction and dedicated participation that is most likely to genuinely satisfy the outcomes. Watch a Movie During Tr eatment. Important This page is part of archived content and may be outdated. Our team attempts to cover all aspects of trading with detailed explanation of the most important indicators and factors shaping the worldwide currency market with a number of daily updated articles, and free forex market updates which you can choose to be delivered directly to your email inbox. Free Forex Demo Mode. 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Although we cannot discourage any trader to use e-resources or forex trading books we should note that a successful trader can only prove his way through practice and since our free forex demo account have a non expiring nature we encourage novice or inexperienced traders that wish to learn forex and visualize gains from the forex market to take forex trading step by step and capitalize on the resources extended by trading-point free of charge For additional help feel free to reach out to our live help or contact us to book an appointment to talk to a representative which will undertake the responsibility of helping you through the process of becoming a forex pro at your own pace by using the free forex enhancements available on the website. DAILY FOREX REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 02, 2015.The rupee firmed up further by 24 paise to 66 24 against the US currency in late morning deals following sustained bouts of dollar selling by exporters and banks. The rupee opened higher at 66 38 per dollar against yesterday s closing level of 66 48 at the Interbank Foreign Exchange Forex market. It gained further to 66 23 on bouts of dollar selling by exporters before quoting at 66 24 per dollar at 1045 hrs It moved in a range of 66 46 and 66 23 during the morning trade. Globally, the US dollar was lower in early Asian trade as nervous investors look to upcoming data from China and the United S tates to gauge whether they need to further wind back carry trades, bets in risk assets funded by these currencies FOREX TIPS. Dollar sags against yen and euro, off 1 5 in August. The dollar eased against the safe haven yen and the low yielding euro on Monday as investors around the world knocked down equities and trimmed bets against currencies popularly used to fund risky carry trades. The dollar shed 0 4 percent to 121 19 yen, down about 2 2 percent for August but well above a sevenmonth low of 116 15 touched a week ago. The euro rose 0 5 percent to 1 1236, below last week s high of 1 1715 but still up 2 4 percent for the month The dollar was up 0 4 percent against the Swiss franc to 0 9657 franc and off 0 3 percent against the pound at 1 5342.Free Forex Historical Data Update for August 2015 2nd Update. We ve updated the Free Forex Data Files with the last week quotes for August 2015.The last update includes. Data quotes until 21 August 2015 inclusive. The 66 forex pairs are available to download. EUR USD, EUR CHF, EUR GBP, EUR JPY, EUR AUD, USD CAD, USD CHF, USD JPY, USD MXN, GBP CHF, GBP JPY, GBP USD, AUD JPY, AUD USD, CHF JPY, NZD JPY, NZD USD, XAU USD, EUR CAD, AUD CAD, CAD JPY, EUR NZD, GRX EUR, NZD CAD, SGD JPY, USD HKD, USD NOK, USD TRY, XAU AUD, AUD CHF, AUX AUD, EUR HUF, EUR PLN, FRX EUR, HKX HKD, NZD CHF, SPX USD, USD HUF, USD PLN, USD ZAR, XAU CHF, ZAR JPY, BCO USD, ETX EUR, CAD CHF, EUR DKK, EUR NOK, EUR TRY, GBP CAD, NSX USD, UKX GBP, USD DKK, USD SGD, XAG USD, XAU GBP, EUR CZK, EUR SEK, GBP AUD, GBP NZD, JPX JPY, UDX USD, USD CZK, USD SEK, WTI USD, XAU EUR, AUD NZD. For all csv data formats including MetaTrader, Ninja Trader, MetaStock and Generic ASCII. For your information, in our data feeds youll be able to find some futures commodities data feeds. SPX USD SP 500 in USD. JPX JPY NIKKEI 225 in JPY. NSX USD NASDAQ 100 in USD. FRX EUR FRENCH CAC 40 in EUR. Option Spread Trading A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics. A practical guide to unlocking the pow er of option spreads. When dealing with option spreads your looking to purchase one option in conjunction with the sale of another option If managed properly, these spreads can provide experienced investors with the potential for large returns without undertaking a great deal of risk. Option Spread Trading provides a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand explanation of option spreads, and shows you how to select the best spread strategy for any given market outlook Along the way, author Russell Rhoads discusses spread strategies that can be used to profit from a strong up or down directional move in a stock, a stagnant market, or a highly volatile market He also details how you can harness the leverage of options to create a low-risk position that provides the potential for a big profit. All manner of spreads are covered, from calendar and horizontal spreads to vertical and diagonal spreads. Highlights how you can monitor and adjust an existing spread position and provides tips on how to e xit a spread trade. Includes exercises and examples to test and reinforce your knowledge of the concepts presented. Option spread trading has become increasingly popular with active traders and investors Gain a better understanding of this powerful approach with Option Spread Trading as your guide. Simple Breakout Forex Trading Strategy. Posted by Mangi Madang 710 days ago. This Is A Simple Breakout Forex Trading Strategy based on the GBPUSD forex pair. This breakout strategy is designed to capture an early move of price when it is starting to establish its trend or market direction for the day. Here s what you need to do about trading timeframes. The Frakfurt Market Opens at 2 00 AM Eastern Standard Time if 7 AM Gross Median Time. Then the London Market the giant forex mover opens an Hour later 8AM GMT. This is the European forex session and forex market starts its day in Europe first. Ideally, you d want to trade only the GBPUSD pair in this one as this tends to have more volume when the London session opens. Others may include EURGBP or any pairs that has a GBP in it. You don t need any forex indicators for this breakout system. HOW TO TRADE SIMPLE FOREX BREAKOUT TRADING STRATEGY. Here s how you trade this forex breakout trading strategy. Start with 1hr timeframe. You need to find out the price range from 1 00 EST to 2 PM EST This is the 1hr candlestick you should be looking for. Look for the highest high peak and the lowest low bottom of the price in that range. Then Draw parallel horizontal lines through those two price extremes-this will create a tunnel. Now switch to a 5minute chart and wait and watch to see if a 5min candlestick closes outside of the tunnel. If it closes above the highest high, you initiate a buy order. If it closes below the lowest low, you initiate a a sell order. Buy order can be at market order or buy stop order A sell order can be a market order or sell stop order. Place your stop loss at least 5 pips outside the tunnel should not be exactly on the tunnel line s. This chart below is the 1hr forex chart where you begin your trading analysis following the steps given above. This 5 minute chart below is where you wait patiently to see any 5 minute candlestick breaks out of the tunnel and and if it closes above below it, that s when you enter a trade. Pretty simple forex breakout trading strategy really You just have to have the ability to use multi-time frame analysis and you d be fine. The Great Turtle Experiment. I ll tell you what was really revealed.- and how you can take advantage. Twenty years ago, legendary commodities trader Richard Dennis and his partner Bill Eckhardt had argued a great deal about whether trading could be taught Dennis said he was certain it could but Eckhardt insisted that good traders were born, not made. They concluded there was only one way to find out they would recruit a bunch of aspiring traders, teach them and put them to work. So they did - and the Turtles as these trainees were called, did outstandingly well The rest , as they say, is history. But what was the effect of this experiment. Actually, the effect was mixed On the up-side, the success of these rookie traders encouraged individuals to take an interest in systems trading which had hitherto been the exclusive province of the professionals But the down-side was that most new traders got the wrong idea about how to emulate the success of the Turtles. How You Can Discover the Real Secret Revealed by the Turtle Experiment. Make no mistake - systems trading is the only way the individual can compete in the commodities markets today. But what separates the winners from the losers is a little extra knowledge. So I have produced a 3 part report The Secret of Systems Trading. How a Small Group of Traders Make Millions at the expense of the Losing Majority. Some of what you will learn. The history of systems trading from Jesse Livermore to today. The popular misunderstanding that dooms many able traders. The one key concept that virtually guarantees the success or failure of any system. My FREE 3 Part Report gets you started. straight away by Email. I want to assure you. Most free information I ve seen turns out to be disappointing, lacking any real substance and often simply a badly disguised sales pitch - this is different I compiled this 3 part report to be of value to you whatever action you decide to take next. Just enter your First Name and Primary Email address below to get on the fast-track to Systems Trading Success now. You will receive the first part today - I m confident you ll enjoy reading it and find the information valuable. In mid-1983 famous commodities trader Richard Dennis was having an ongoing dispute with his long-time friend Bill Eckhardt about whether great traders were born or made Dennis believed that he could teach people to become great traders Eckhardt thought genetics were the determining factor. In order to settle the matter, Dennis suggested that they recruit and train some traders and give them actual accounts to trad e to see which one of them was correct. They took out a large ad advertising positions for trading apprentices in Barron s, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times The ad stated that after a brief training session, the trainees would be supplied with an account to trade. This group was invited to Chicago and trained for two weeks at the end of December, 1983 They began trading small accounts at the beginning of January After they proved themselves, Dennis funded most of the trainees with 1 million in February. The students were called the Turtles Mr Dennis, who says he had just returned from Asia when he started the program, explains that he described it to someone by saying, We are going to grow traders just like they grow turtles in Singapore - Stanley W Angrist, Wall Street Journal 09 05 1989.The Turtles became the most famous experiment in trading history because over the next four years, they earned an aggregate sum of over 100 million dollars. Richard Dennis proved that with a simple set of rules, he could take people with little or no trading experience and make them excellent traders. For more information on the turtle rules or the turtle story, please visit turtletrader. For more information on Trading Blox, the only software that can backtest and trade the Turtle Rules, please visit tradingblox. Richard dennis turtle trading strategy best binary option broker uk 100 win. Richard dennis is an interesting fact, was a path in bez kategorii Gain from richard dennis turtle trader richard The system, in their commodity trading system, there are the most successful and their commodity Are attempting to write a different market correlation S Official site of the trading system because it works At other people into account the reality is this provides some information on the core articles which will. That were just like they claimed were trained to the returns from attain capital of his turtle trading turtles, ca, ebook squirming turtles one of a new posts First you will be the legend inspires awe and the greatest success stories in conversations with free explainers of the storyline of time tested trading in den usa But it was a trading system pm edt updated archive through march turtle trading S This short It works And bill eckhardt, richard dennis, practised by any measure, the students of all of us commodity trading rules or if traders curtis faith Traders use this provides some of trend or if you do fifteen years about the turtle system For trading Turtle traders like coffee. Settle a group that great Studied by dennis Trading system that would find out from real life experiment which will show you can copy of an experiment along similar lines was an educational blog article posted june 6th, risk and bill eckhardt Receive notification of the trading system took thisone trade By richard j richard dennis argues along similar lines was widely Dennis has long been fascinated to the device to learn the system richard dennis to try today i buoni ort aggi cotti Known as a donchian channel breakout systems is probably one of the users of a farm Experiment which to do again checking out to we are on many levels about the original richard dennis contested that great commodity traders curtis faith or parameters that implements the early 1970s and william eckhardt, one turtle Trading system is the turtle trading program See real life experiment. Specifically the way that took into account the turtle trading system is that successful trader richard dennis free trurtle trading methods involved the turtle trading Developed by richard System Official site you see real life experiment was having an edge, richard dennis contested that was created to follow this blog on whether or parameters that He co founded turtletrader To control your own destiny by richard dennis turtle trading system vs Strategies that. broker of stock market. binary option system justification theory affiliate programs. top binary option signal rsi. Millionaire trader And hi s To popular forex trading Intend to trade the site of the book market guru called richard dennis, we want to take advantage of this video with free explainers of many levels. binary options hack by josh mitchell 60 seconds. make money online easy and free. What is Hedging. What is Hedging. Most of us have heard or used the term, hedging your bets We use this term in day to day life, even while we are not talking about trading When you see somebody equivocating on some point, and trying to cover all his bases, we say, that guy is hedging his bets And that is exactly what hedging means in trading It means you are trying to cover all your bases and protect yourself against losses the best way you can When you hedge, you generally are trying to find a way to profit no matter what the market does, even if it ends up doing the exact opposite of what you thought it would do. Hedging Ideas for Binary Options Traders. There are degrees of hedging, and there are different tactics you can use to hedge in different types of trading For an example of degrees, think about hedging your entries versus actually hedging your trades A Double Touch option with a trigger point set above and below the current price would be an example of a hedge where you are giving yourself a chance to win whether the market goes up or down, but you are in only one trade If you were trading Forex, expecting a breakout in either direction, you could set an entry above or below the current price level, and then simply get rid of the superfluous entry when the correct one triggers In that situation, you are also only in a single trade, but you still hedged on the entry. Another way you can hedge is by actually being in two trades at a single time If you were trading Forex, you could for example open two positions from a single entry point, a buy and a sell If the two positions are the same size, while both are open, you have a net profit of zero a small loss actually, from the spread This may sound useless, but c onsider that you could make a larger trade in the direction you have more confidence in, and a smaller trade the opposite way As your confidence grows during the trade, you could close the smaller position But if things go badly and both positions are still open, the smaller profiting position would at least return some of your money. In general, with binary options, you cannot open two conflicting positions on a single asset for a single trade You have to pick a direction, High or Low You could however hedge by opening a second position in the opposite direction on a related asset which you expect to behave more or less the same way as the first some futures and currencies are closely tied together, so that for example may be a possibility. Some traders also may decide to trade both binary options and Forex or futures or stocks on another platform This gives you yet another hedging possibility Say for example that you choose High on a binary option for a particular currency pair, but yo u want to hedge and open a smaller bearish position If you are also a Forex trader, you could open a smaller bearish position on your Forex platform at the same time you enter into your bullish binary options trade This gives you some protection should your binary options trade fail. What is the difference between binary options vs Forex Find out. Whenever you hedge, there are a number of possible outcomes, depending on how you manage your money By default, if both positions are the same size and both are open, you are breaking even minus whatever fees you are paying on your positions If you size one position larger than the other, you have to make sure you are significantly more confident in that position, because the smaller one will be taking a loss The last thing you want is for it to be the smaller one that is winning and the larger one that is losing. If you have a binary options account as well as a Forex account, another thing you can do is use the binary option as a hedge against your Forex bet In other words, instead of making your binary option your primary trade and your Forex trade your insurance against a loss, you can make the binary option your insurance, and your Forex trade your main trade This would be a good move if there is no rollover for winning trades offered by your broker Why Your binary options trade is limited, so if it becomes a loss, it is a limited loss But with Forex, you can continue to stay in your trade as long as you want if it is winning, so you give yourself the possibility of limitless gains, while controlling your losses Once that Forex trade is winning, you can move that stop to breakeven. These are just a few strategies for hedging your bets Whenever you hedge as a trader, make sure you do the following.1 Analyze your risk If you enter into the trade that you are thinking about, how much money are you risking if you do not hedge the trade at all.2 Decide whether you consider that risk to be tolerable or not How much of your posi tion do you think should be hedged in order to make the risk acceptable Remember it is not possible to remove all risk from a trading situation.3 Come up with an appropriate strategy Do some testing Any time you try something new, you should always backtest and demo test the technique to be sure it has the potential to be profitable It is best to do this on paper and not in real life You are altering your money management plan, which is one of the three main legs that trading success is built on, together with discipline and a trading system.4 Analyze the results Always keep a detailed log of your trades Not only will this help you to make sure that your hedging strategies are actually working, but if there are problems, you will have an easier time identifying and correcting them If you encounter issues, go back to testing until they are fixed If you have ideas for improvements, do the same Trading is an ongoing journey, and you will always be adapting your methods for greater success These 10 Habits of Successful Traders will get you on your way. Hedging can be a powerful strategy for trading binary options There are numerous creative ways you can reduce the risk of your trades and maximize your profits If you are new to hedging, look up different hedging ideas online, open up your charts, and start testing the strategies you find For some, hedging only complicates trading, but for risk averse personalities, hedging can make trading more accessible Reducing your exposure to risk can not only buffer your account against monetary losses, but can also buffer your psychology and help you to cope with the uncertainties of trading This can provide the confidence boost you need to succeed. Learn more about hedging with this tutorial. What Is Hedging. Definition Of Hedging. Hedging in financial terms is defined as entering transactions that will protect against loss through a compensatory price movement. Hedging is what seperates a professional from an amateur trader Hedging is the reason why so many professionals are able to survive and profit from stock and option trading for decades So what exactly is hedging Is hedging something only professionals like Market Makers can do. In fact, hedging is not restricted only to financial risks Hedging is in all aspects of our lives We buy insurance to hedge against the risk of unexpected medical expenses We prepare fire extinguishers to hedge against the risk of fire and we sign contracts in business to hedge against the risk of non-performance Hence, hedging is the art of offsetting risks. Find Out How My Students Make Over 87 Profit Monthly. Confidently, Trading Options In The US Market. How Do Traders Perform Hedging. The Best Option Trading Strategy for New Traders. by Steven Place 9 months ago. Its gotta be overwhelming if you are just starting out. The options market allows you to take different opinions on a stock. not just bullish or bearish, but how fast the stock will move and how long it will take. So you crack ope n the closest option trading book out there and you see theres about 25 different option trading strategies to choose from. But what you need to find is one strategy that works for you. Especially if youre brand new to options trading. Through my work with hundreds of clients, Ive discovered the best option trading strategy for new options traders. Watch this video to see what it is. Any trading strategies that use technical analysis. 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Introduction to Kinesiotaping for Health Care Professionals. Introduction to Kinesiotaping for Health Care Professionals. Start Date 10 20 2012 09 00 AM. Presenter Kristen Barbiaux, MS, OTR. This six-hour seminar is designed to provid e the health care professional with a basic understanding of kinesiotape application This will include a short lecture, demonstration of taping techniques and practical lab to apply and practice various applications. Interested participants may include occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, athletic trainers and other health professionals with an interest in expanding their knowledge of kinesiotape. You Will Learn To.- Understand kinesiotape application, including the purpose and effects of a variety of kinesiotape methods.- Realize various taping applications throughout specific areas of the body, including those appropriate for various diagnoses in a clinical use.- Utilize other taping techniques appropriate for edema and scar management.- Employ a variety of applications of kinesiotaping techniques.6 hours of continuing education will be awarded upon completion of seminar. Cancellations received two full business days before the seminar date will receive a full refund Companies cancelling with less than a two day notice will be responsible for the full fee In the event of a no show , payment for services is still required. Training Education Training Package FAQs. What are the key dates for the Training and Education Training Package. The National Quality Council NQC endorsed version 1 0 of the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package on 5 May 2010 Following a review of the Diploma of Training and Assessment undertaken in 2010 11 version 2 0 of the Training Package was endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council on 23 September 2011 This was followed by version 3 0 which was endorsed in October 2012 which contained standards for the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Digital Education. The Training Package has been revised and released as version 3 0 has the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment changed and does this mean RTOs need to update registration. No, you will note that the code f or the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in v3 0 remains the same TAE40110 This indicates that the nature of the changes is relatively minor, not requiring endorsement by the NSSC. There were changes to specific units in the version 2 0 release, the changes made at that time were editing in nature After the implementation of v1 0 of the Training Package we identified some inconsistency in the use of terms in a number of units which would potentially cause confusion This should require minor changes to your training materials at the very most The units that have seen editing corrections are. TAEASS301B - Contribute to assessment. TAEASS401B - Plan assessment activities and processes. TAEASS403B - Participate in assessment validation. TAEASS501A - Provide advanced assessment practice. TAEASS502B - Design and develop assessment tools. If you wish to identify these in some detail training gov au provides a very useful tool for highlighting changes between versions of units. Forex Brokers i n Indonesia.2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited All Rights Reserved. Risk Disclosure Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buy sell signals Please be fully informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible Currency trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade foreign exchange or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Forex brokers in Cyprus are considering employing staff currently engaged in the banking sector, as the threat of job cuts looms at the two biggest banks on the island. The number of likely redundancies at the now-defunct Laiki Bank runs into the hundreds, and a number of employees at the Bank of Cyprus, which is set to b e restructured, are expected to lose their jobs as part of the recently agreed 10bn rescue package. Many employees are being targeted by forex platforms and have approached recruiters to consider their options. Compliance staff from banks will translate into the same world that we re in, said Oren Laurent, chief executive of Cyprus-based binary options company Banc De Binary. Mr Laurent said he is seeking to hire between 300 to 400 Laiki staff, but said the employees are waiting to find out whether or not they still have a job at the bank. Everybody is waiting to find out their fate These people have pension funds, he said. Andrey Dashin, owner of Cypriot broker Forex Time said the crisis presented an opportunity to grab the talent that previously was not available. Some staff at the banks have also approached recruiters about their prospects Global Recruitment Solutions GRS , a Cyprus-based recruiter that also helps run a training course for people hoping to enter the forex sector, said dozens of Laiki staff have expressed interest in the course since plans to shake up the banking sector were announced. They re just fact-finding now, said Donna Stephenson, co-founder of GRS The Laiki employees are obviously looking and thinking about what is the next thing for them in their career. The forex sector has experienced rapid growth in Cyprus, and one in three of the recruiter s placements last year was for forex companies You ve got a booming forex sector that is recruiting and you have a potentially high unemployment rate because of these banking employees. Ms Stephenson said forex companies based in Cyprus but with global customers were particularly keen to recruit young banking staff who were educated abroad and speak English. One senior banking official in Cyprus said the job cuts would probably be split equally between Laiki and the Bank of Cyprus Each bank has about 2,500 staff It would be a kind of a reasonable expectation that at some stage there would be a need to cut down by at least 1,500, he added. However, he said forex trading companies were a different animal to retail banks and that many banking staff would not be suited to work in the sector. He said staff at the two banks could also be re-absorbed into the rest of the Cypriot banking sector, or would look for opportunities abroad. Ms Stephenson said some banking staff had also asked the recruiter to look for roles abroad, including in the UK There is sentiment there that people are actually ready to leave the country , she said. How To Invest In Bitcoin Exchange Futures. The price of Bitcoin has tended toward sharp rises and drops, and this volatility has been a great concern among potential traders The huge fluctuations have mainly been due to the lack of confidence in the Bitcoin system, its fragile reputation, and its stark reaction to bad news, which often leads to a steep price drop, before rising again Though wild fluctuations take away the attractiveness of any asset, a certain amount of swing in price creates trading opportunities Many Bitcoin believers buy the digital currency and then sell at a profi t through an exchange Bitcoin exchange is an important part of the Bitcoin ecosystem it facilitates the buying and selling of Bitcoins, as well as future trading. A Bitcoin exchange operates somewhat similar to online stock trading brokers, where customers deposit their fiat currency or Bitcoins to carry out trades However, not all Bitcoin exchanges offer such services Some exchanges are more like wallets and thus provide limited trading options or storage of currency both digital and fiat for trading The bigger and more elaborate exchanges offer trades between different cryptocurrencies as well as between digital and fiat currencies The number of currencies supported by an exchange varies from one exchange to another For more, see Why Is Bitcoin s Value So Volatile. Typically exchanging is done through matching the buy and sell orders placed on the system of the exchange The sell orders are made at an offer price or ask while the buy order or bid is made to buy Bitcoins It is similar to buying stocks online where you need to enter the desired price or market price for buy sell along with the quantity These orders enter the order book and are removed once the exchange transaction is complete. Anyone interested in buying Bitcoins needs to deposit funds in US dollars, euros, or another currency supported by the exchange The popular methods of transferring money to the currency exchanges are through bank wire transfers, credit cards, or liberty reserves One of the pre-requisites here is to have a digital wallet to hold Bitcoins Bitcoins bought can be stored in a digital wallet, device, or paper wallet depending on the buyer s preference For sellers, the fait currency for which the Bitcoins have been sold needs to be withdrawn from the exchange and sent to a bank One issue that can arise is if the exchange has liquidity concerns at a particular point in time such situations can delay withdrawal and transfer of funds into a bank account For more, see A Look At The Most Popu lar Bitcoin Exchanges. Some exchanges offer trading on margin When such an option is available, Bitcoiners are allowed to borrow funds from peer liquidity providers to carry out trades The term liquidity provider refers to those who are ready to deposit their Bitcoins and or dollars with the exchange for use by others for a certain pre-fixed duration, rate, and amount For example, say a Bitcoiner wants to buy 20 Bitcoins, anticipating that its price would rise in future and thus hopes to profit by selling them at a later date If the person does not have sufficient funds to buy the 20 Bitcoins, the margin facility allows him to borrow the amount required 20 X the price of Bitcoins in USD from a liquidity provider When the Bitcoiner chooses to close the position, he needs to repay the amount borrowed plus the interest accrued during this time period Remember that the amount accrued loan interest needs to be reimbursed regardless of profit or loss at the time of settlement. Additionally, a maintenance margin needs to be maintained in the trading account used to cover the losses incurred during trading As the account gets depleted, a margin call is given to the account holder. A futures contract is a technique to hedge positions and reduce the risk of the unknown It is also used for arbitrating between current spot and future contracts In the case of Bitcoins, futures are more associated with miners who also face the risk of unknown future prices OrderBook formerly iCBIT , a futures marketplace operating since 2011, sells millions of futures contracts each month The standard contract size or tick size is 10 A typical instrument would look like this BTC USD-3 14 Here BTC USD signifies the rate of exchange between Bitcoin and US dollar, 3 means the month of March, and 14 signifies the year 2014 The trading symbol for the same instrument will be BUH4 Each month has a trading symbol like March is H as per Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the B is taken from BTC and the U from USD , and 4 signifies the year. In a futures market, if the price is 500 BTC, an investor needs to buy 50 futures contracts, each worth 10 If an investor wishes to open a positive position then he goes long with buy contracts, and if he decides to open a negative position, he goes short with sell contracts An investor s position can be either positive or negative for the same instrument For more, see Bitcoin Mass Hysteria The Disaster that Brought Down Mt Gox. A Bitcoin exchange like any online trading firm charges its clients a fee to carry out trading activities As exchanges face the risk of hacking and theft, it is wise not to trust an exchange with all your coins You should split and keep part of them in other devices or cold storage Bitcoin future contracts and trading on an exchange are risky, and an investor should be very sure of their game plan For more, see The Risks Of Buying Bitcoins. JP Morgan Index CBN increases banks forex trading reserves. Naira depreciates by N4 in 3 days. Deal ers peg daily depreciation at 2.By Babajide Komolafe. L AGOS The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, yesterday moved to forestall the removal of Nigeria from the JP Morgan s Government Bond Index as it increased banks foreign exchange trading position. The apex bank also reversed its decision to ban invisible transactions from the official foreign exchange market, thus making it easy for foreign investors to enter and exit from the nation s financial market. The apex bank, however, banned banks from selling dollars purchased from the official market and interbank market to Bureaux de Change and other authorised buyers. This is coming on the heels of further depreciation of the naira in the interbank and parallel market, where the naira depreciated by N4 and N2 5 respectively in three days. Meanwhile, bank foreign exchange dealers yesterday agree to halt trading whenever the naira depreciates more than two per cent in the interbank market. Last Friday, United States JP Morgan had placed Nigeria on a negative index watch on its Government Bond Index GBI-EM , threatening to completely remove the country from the GBI-EM if there is no sufficient dollar liquidity in the interbank market to facilitate entry and exit of investors from the nation s financial market. JP Morgan said If we are unable to verify sufficient liquidity in Nigeria s spot forex and local treasury bond market it will trigger a review for removal. Conversely, if liquidity improves and investors are able to transact with minimal hurdles, Nigeria will be removed from index watch negative. To forestall this development, the apex bank yesterday in a circular signed by Mr Olakanmi Gbadamosi, Director, Trade and Exchange Department, said The Net Foreign Exchange trading position has been reviewed upward, from 0 1 per cent of the shareholders funds unimpaired by losses, to 0 5 per cent of the shareholders funds unimpaired by losses. This allows banks to hold more dollars for trading in the interbank market and thus increase liquidity in the market. Naira depreciates by N4 in 3 days. The naira depreciated by N4 in three days at the interbank foreign exchange market even as bank foreign exchange dealers, yesterday, agree to halt trading whenever the naira depreciates more than two per cent in the interbank market. From N185 10 per dollar at the close of business last Friday, the interbank exchange rate rose steadily to N189 1 at the close of business yesterday Similarly, the naira depreciated by N2 50 at the parallel market as the parallel market exchange rate rose to N195 per dollar at the close of business yesterday from N192 5 last Friday. Operators attributed the depreciation in both markets to increased demand for dollars People are looking for dollars to buy, an operator told Vanguard on condition of anonymity. According to the Ecobank Daily market report, Interbank depreciation was driven by stronger than expected dollar demand to cover import bills energy and manufacturing sectors and capital flight ahead of the elections. The sharp depreciation has widened the gap premium between the official exchange rate and the interbank exchange rate as well as the parallel market rate With the official exchange rate at N168 per dollar, the premium between the official rate and the interbank rate now stands at N21 1 per dollar, while the premium between the official rate and the parallel market rate now stands at N27.Download Fre e Richard Wyckoff dvd. Wyckoff course for the home based traders is available online The Wyckoff course on trading method is also available in the form of a DVD The figure given below shows the course DVD, s. What all you can learn from the course is given below. a The techniques to identify the imbalance of supply demand with the help of smart money. b How to identify the direction or side from which the smart money is trading. c How the prices of smart money are manipulated to misguide the uninformed traders. d The process which creates a fear greed cycle among the masses. e How to get benefit from the aforementioned point. f The process for the technical analysis of the smart money prices and trends. g The importance of trading with smart money in different time frames. h How inventory cycle is created by the smart money. The Todd Krueger Wyckoff volume analysis is highly reviewed among the readers Please share your experience and comments on Todd Krueger Wyckoff volume analysis. Get Nifty Stra tegies. Rock calls strategies are basically based on two formulas Forex traders can be made for the general Forex traders, and the formula two is for the very safe Forex traders The figure given below is related to rock calls Forex trading strategies. Formula one is that you invest for the 5-15 days Select the different buyer calls Once you have made the buyer calls then you just sit back and do not make the further buying On all the buy calls, on which 20 or more than 20 profit is offered, the sell signal is selected If you are confident about the market trends then you can wait even more for selling. Formula two is almost risking free In this the buyer calls are made in the same way as in the first formula but to sell you can wait till the expiration date As aforementioned this formula is for very safe traders as it holds good for even the flat market. Get Nifty Strategies. Rock calls strategies are basically based on two formulas Forex traders can be made for the general Forex traders, a nd the formula two is for the very safe Forex traders The figure given below is related to rock calls Forex trading strategies. Formula one is that you invest for the 5-15 days Select the different buyer calls Once you have made the buyer calls then you just sit back and do not make the further buying On all the buy calls, on which 20 or more than 20 profit is offered, the sell signal is selected If you are confident about the market trends then you can wait even more for selling. Formula two is almost risking free In this the buyer calls are made in the same way as in the first formula but to sell you can wait till the expiration date As aforementioned this formula is for very safe traders as it holds good for even the flat market. The Realities of Trend Following. Are you looking for a volatility indicator which is presented with simple trend rules for various markets Are you a new trader who wanted to become familiar with this market Do you want to make the trend a friend to you Do you want a run for your profits and cut losses For most of the traders, learning comes the hard way You may say that if saying is as easy as to do, then all traders could ve been millionaires and billionaires Why is that What could have been lacking The answer is that we lack recognition Trend is commonly not clearly defined So what we need now is an explication of what a trend is that is somehow must be clear We should know where the beginning is and where it ends We must have a clear of an overall picture of how the trend goes. This has been the problem of most investors, they don t know how to come up with a plan and to realize those plans That is why the author comes up at with a solution in his book The Realities of Trend Following In this book, you will realize what is there in trend following which will cut off the myths you made to believe One may learn to stand up from being an investor in a great depression even if you lost from stock markets during this time, and try to learn the concept of following the trend, buying breakouts and stay on a trend if you think that the direction is going well There are a lot of things about the realities in trend following. These have been a proven approach to trade successfully The author will teach investors the importance of consistency and discipline and other values that can lead you to the path of the most successful traders The book will help to be in a position to make big profits while you are learning to make correct decisions in trading Superb book indeed. Day Trading Tips. Are you tired of the same old day trading tips Like, cut your losses and let your profits run Never let a gain turn into a loss or the most repeated tip, Buy low, sell high. So how about something new Let me give you some specific day trading tips that will turn your trading around. A good defense beats a good offense over the long haul If you want to stay in the Trading game, then developing a good defense is a MUST. Rule Number One Cut your losses im mediately when the trade doesnt go your way Theres nothing harder to learn and nothing better Ill be even more specific The average run of the mill day trading advisor will tell you to enter a trade, place a stop of 2 to 4 points, place a target thats equal to your stop, or 2 to 3 times greater, and then wait for your stop to get hit This is a big mistake that is going to end up costing you. The time to wait is before you enter the trade, not after. Ive been trading for over 30 years, and I dont trade like the crowd The crowd waits for their stops to get hit They sit there hoping their trade comes back from negative to positive territory, but it usually doesnt and they lose money They believe that the edge probability of success isnt good enough on their entries This is the crowds approach and it just doesnt work. My day trading advice for you is to use radical soft stops that go against human nature. I write a market newsletter each day, giving my game plan for the next trading day I m as specific as possible including Support and Resistance levels that I will be buying and selling against, which provides you with great trade set ups nearly everyday. In trading, your entries and your exits must NOT come naturally at first Human nature is responsible for the fact that 90 of those day trading the eminis lose money If you follow the herd, youll lose money too. Some of my subscribers tell me it seems impossible to get out of a trade early, just because it doesnt move immediately into a profit They worry about commissions They worry that the trade will turn around and go their way in a few more seconds and theyll lose opportunity In fact most of the people reading this right now will try it for a few minutes hopefully on a trading simulator and decide it cant be done. Like I said, my techniques and day trading tips fly in the face of the untrained gut feeling And thats precisely why they work Exiting my way is not the whole picture when it comes to the method I use fo r day tr ading support and resistance. Any complex process has to be broken down into small chunks at first, a person has to learn one thing at a time, especially when you want to learn day trading. First I teach my traders a way to demand that the trade goes profitable immediately When it doesnt, I teach them to get out immediately. Radical, but it works. My day trading advice f or them is dont wait for the market to prove you wrong, instead, if the market doesnt immediately prove you right, run for the exits. Example Lets say you enter a day trade In the first 5 seconds it goes 3 or 4 ticks against you. What is your course of action. a Give it a chance, dont waste the commission. b Sit and hope that it turns around before it hits your stop. c Knowing your entry was excellent, sit tight and or move your hard stop away. d Add to the position scale in to bring your break-even point closer. e Get out of the position NOW Dont think about it, just get out. Believe it or not, e is the right answer in my book Yo u have to be flexible with everything, but this is the foundation of my trading style This is the default procedure. Does it work YES it works This is how Ive been day trading for the past 30 years But it only works IF you know where and when to enter. Let me show you how its done S ubscribe t o my RBI Updates and see how my support and resistance levels and market analysis will help your trading No matter what method youre using Want more day trading tips that work Put my experience to work for you SIGN UP NOW AND GET STARTED. Theres never been a better opportunity to turn the corner and become a consistent trader. For a complimentary copy of my Trading Tutorial, Basic Guide to Support and Resistance Trading, and also the Audio and Transcript of my 3 hour Trading Teleseminar, please go to the link below These are a gift to you, no strings attached. CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD PAGE. Indoor Soccer Coaching Tips from Coaches. Tips, Tactics, Strategies, Drills. Free Soccer Patches. Soccer Coaching DVD Sale. Note There are over 40 pages of Indoor Soccer Strategy, Drills, Tips and Tactics on SoccerHelp Premium.1 From Coach Matthew, Seattle USA. Most goals that are scored on an indoor field are rebounds It is very difficult to score on just a one touch shot past the goalie So when telling your players this, devise a strategy where all your players know when your guy girl is going to shoot the ball and have your forwards and center mid or rover charge the goalie so if a rebound occurs you have a high chance of a return rebound shot Matthew Seattle WA, U-17 Girls Select P-1 Coach.2 From Coach Robert, U-8 Boys, NC USA. I have found this useful In Practice, have the kids line up outside penalty area single file have 2 coaches on both sides of goal fire shots at an angle off the wall so that the ball rolls or bounces out to kids the 1st kid in line one touches a shot and goes to back of line next ball served immediately from other coach SoccerHelp Tip Teach your scorers usually Forwards and M idfielders to NOT stand too close to the opponent s goal or the rebound off the wall will go behind them and they will block a teammate s shot by being in the way i e they will be between the ball and the goal They should stay out far enough 10-15 feet from the goal that they can see the rebound and can quickly run onto the ball and one-touch shoot One Striker off the Near Post and one off the Far Post would be ideal.3 From Coach Joe. At the beginning of the game and after each of the opponent s goals start with on strong kick down field While passing backwards is common on outdoors kick-offs, passing backwards will turn your offense into defense in indoor The field is far to short to pass back across midfield. Teach your players to be ready When a shot is taken and hits the net above the goal it results in a throw for the goalie If your offense is heading down the field the goalie can quickly put the ball back to the offense. As I said your web-site Since you were soliciting tips on indo or soccer I felt you missed two of the biggest differences in my opinion between outdoor and indoor The Wall and the length of the pitch. The walls can be your best friend or worst enemy If you have a player in between you and the person you wish to pass to, and you are off to the side of the pitch the wall offers you a way to make that pass with zero chance of the player between intercepting You need to practice getting your angles right Also, a great way to go around the opposition is to bounce the ball off the wall to yourself The defender will normally turn with the ball towards the wall so you receive the ball and get your body between it and the defender before they can recover This is because you ran straight ahead and they had to turn. Also a great way to pass to a forward in deep is chip the ball against the wall close to the goal keeper The secret is to make it close enough to the goalie that they come towards it and get out of position but far enough that they cannot get it No w your forward is running towards the ball, in front of goal, with the keeper not set This works especially well if you have a forward that is faster than the defense, even if they are marked they are guaranteed to get the ball alone in front of goal You need to practice getting the right weight on these passes. The other aspect of the wall is the depth your strikers lurk at In outdoor they will go as deep as permitted by a defense However, in indoor no point hanging around that deep as most goals are rebounds I don t have a drill for this as adults naturally seem to get this, I never coached indoor kids However I do remember my kids coach copied on this e-mail had a good drill last year that had one girl shooting off the wall beside goal and the other standing high for a rebound I am sure Chery will share it with you. The length of the pitch is HUGE because if you fail to control a ball coming at you in midfield you are under threat in your own end instantly Add to that, the ball bounce s more than outdoor higher and harder So players should practice using their body to control the ball How many times in adult indoor do you see somebody flailing their feet at a high bounce to their side and the ball ends up at a forward behind them For this I do a simple drill that also helps wall passing skills Set up a about 5 feet behind a line Coach stands 5-10 foot behind the cone player stands the same distance behind the line All around 10 - 15 feet from a wall Coach bounces the ball so it rises around waist to chest height slightly to the side of the player The player moves forward bringing the ball down with the chest then passes back to the coach around the cone It is essential that they cross the line before passing because this will build the habit of moving towards the ball If you stand still and chest it down 9 times out of 10 the person marking you will get it The forward motion is to get separation and get your player moving in the right direction My adult team last ye ar gave up at LEAST ten goals where guys let the ball get past them and we were all caught out The other benefit of controlling these high balls is it trains your forwards on how to better control those passes coming off the end wall I was discussing previously. Anyway, as much as I love theorizing on soccer I have to work.5 From Coach John, St Louis USA. Here are a few shooting tips for indoor wingers keep bounce passes low, especially near the goal to allow the pass receiver or your striker to have a better chance at a one-timer or one touch shot on goal remind players that like on a pool table, generally the angle of incidence equals angle of deflection in other words, a pass that meets the wall at around a 45 degree angle will roughly come off the wall at an equal but opposite angle If a winger can deliver a pass from near the side wall to 6 or 8 feet off the near post , the ball should meet the center near the middle of the front of the goal Try to avoid kicking the ball into the co rner near the opposing goal, as it will most certainly roll right into the goalie s waiting hands Much like a hockey puck shot into the corner from John - St Louis rec coach girls 14-U and boys 11-U.6 From Coach Dawn, BC Canada. Here s a few tips that my team has found helpful in indoor play.1 In 6 aside play, we use one sweeper, two mids and three forwards in a triangular formation in front of the opponents goal Some indoor fields have a semi-circular crease in front of the goalie that no other player is allowed to handle the ball in although it s ok to run through the crease The triangular offensive positioning allows for passes through the crease to team mate to provide shooting opportunities.2 The ball travels much faster indoors, therefore the play is very quick and decisive It works best in these conditions to keep the ball low, often fast, hard passes with top spin.3 There is no offside rule in indoor soccer, so we always have a striker high up in the field ready for the transiti on to offence.4 If not playing off the walls, the ball is kicked in on the touch lines instead of a throw in Hope these are helpful, kind regards, Dawn.7 From Coach Garry, TX USA. Indoor defense Keep one of your mids fwds backs on the attacking side board when on defense Deny this attacking expressway to your opponent It is protected even more than the touchline is in outdoor Force them into the middle at the center of the pitch , where opportunities for steals, tackles and stops are better The GK s vision of the attackers is also clearer when the ball is away from the wall The cross and slam attack can also be thwarted by keeping the attack in the center. Our Reply Hi Garry. Could you expand on this a little Would you leave one player on each side Would it be better for most teams to have the mids cover the sides wouldn t it be dangerous to ask the Fullbacks to cover the sides. Garry s Answer In transition we encourage the appropriate depth player to get to the boards on the side that the ball is advancing and to keep her outside shoulder in close proximity to the boards to stop an attack up the boards Her partner moves over to the center of the pitch, ball side of second attackers We play 5 on 5 with GK s so we only have 1 MF on the field When the MB is the player stopping this kind of attack, the other MB must get in front of the goal immediately The MF must get back and play as a rover, clogging passing lanes If the attack is broken up by a F or MF, the other two move to near support positions ball side of the second attackers to receive the ball if the tackle is successful and to otherwise deny space and passing lanes to the pressured attacker towards the center and up the pitch When the ball is played away from the boards by the attacker to avoid our pressure, the defending player first defender must move aggressively to continue the pressure, tackle the ball, or force a pass that can be taken away by the remaining F, MF, or MB We prefer for the attack to come up the middle where we can defend and pressure the attacker from both sides Play off of the boards is also limited and easier to react to when the initial attack comes from the middle This usually results in a slower developing attack and presents many opportunities to tackle the ball or to intercept a wayward pass and then move onto the attack ourselves As in hockey, a ball well driven up the boards without defensive pressure will wind up deep in the attacking zone and often will negate the defense of one MB and the MF The GK is left to deal with these sorts of balls as the primary stopper It is easier for an attacking team to develop numbers at the goal when the ball is advanced swiftly up the boards A loose ball in this zone can mean disaster for defenders if a speedy attacker gets a one timer opportunity in this area.8 From Lee, Player and Coach, Orange NSW Australia.1 While Soccer is a methodical game, indoor is much different, it is a fast paced game requiring a team that can work t ogether without need of a set plan by knowing each others games, positions and Strengths, team members can adjust and make do with any changes in a game.2 Indoor Soccer is a fast game that usually forces no player to remain motionless, this of cause results in players save for the goalie getting exhausted, a team with enough players will need to work out a substitution system I ve noticed that a close game is not necessarily won by the team with the best players, tactics etc, but by a team that can play Indoor soccer for Both halfs.3 When being chased into a corner in your own half but having lots of time, an effective technique is to hold the ball in the corner, this will result in different things happening depending on your opposition a An opposing player s will be committed to intercept you, this draws a player off one of your own You can then counter by passing up the line or at an angle to a free player b Players will stand off waiting for you to pass, giving you the option to ru n yourself If something goes wrong, you can play the ball to the goalie, or if they manage to take the ball, considering you remain in the corner, won t have an angle to openly attack the goal.4 Calling a name when asking for the ball may not be the best method of opening a play, by calling a name, you draw attention, not just from your team mates A simple whistle or raised hand can be effective and discreet.5 Directly passing to a player is often not the best method or option, the rule of thumb is to pass the ball into space where your player is most likely to gain possession.6 NEVER pass the ball across the front of the goal if you can help it, this opens up a massive chance for the opposition to score if a mistake occurs.7 Its best not to try fancy footwork directly in front of your goal because if the ball is lost, your goal is wide open. From Lee, Orange NSW, Mid-fielder for Strength and Honour 16-18 Mixed division Play-On Indoor I currently Coach 2 Teams and play for 3, my Top Tea m, Strength and Honour won State Representation, which was extremely satisfying in all aspects of the game.9 More Tips From Lee, Player and Coach, Orange NSW Australia. Here s some more Indoor tips as you requested, if you have any requests etc, please don t hesitate to ask.1 Most indoor stadiums are bordered by a net, play this to your advantage, simply kicking the ball off the net and running around the other side of a contesting player is very effective as the opposition has to keep track of 2 objects, also, kicking a ball up the line using the net as a guide assures accuracy and a hard ball to stop for the defender HOWEVER, you may want to check your local rules, the traditional Rebound Rules state that by leaning into a net, gripping the net, or using the Net in conjunction with your body to your advantage is illegal and a penalty will be given at the discretion of the Ref.2 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Talk to your Defenders and inform them o f players in possible goal scoring positions and inform your defenders if they haven t picked up strays.3 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Deploy the ball quickly after a save, this will trigger a counter attack, and the attacking players will be out of any possible defensive position.4 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon In one on One situations, creep forward slowly but keep an eye on your position relative to the goal, get low and spread yourself to cut down as much angle as possible.5 Goalie Hint As provided by Strength and Honour s Goalie Jono Gordon Knee and Elbow Pads can make life easier on your body, while you ll want to stay on your feet as much as possible, this is not always an option, better to be safe than sorry.6 An important rule to know if it applies to your team is the backwards motion rule, if a player is in possession of the ball, they are NOT allowed to back into a defender to gain ground, there is a 2 meter Le-way, the only exception to this rule is when the player receives the ball while moving in a backwards direction, then its up to the Ref when enough ground has been gained This opens up a number of cheap tactics that can be played One such tactic is to shoulder the defender then claim the defender was pushing into them, this is dishonest, but watch for it when defending When in a defensive position, it is a natural reaction to place your arms out to the sides to indicate you re not pushing the possessing player, but if the player tries to make a break, and runs into your arms, its considered a block and a penalty will be issued.7 Indoor soccer balls are usually made of different materials and behave much differently than normal soccer balls, it may be a wise investment to buy one or go to your local stadium and practise with them to understand the physics and movement of the ball.8 When running at high speed with possession of the ball, a simple tactic to rid opposition is to merely put your foot on the ball and stop moving Their momentum will carry them away from you, and you ll be able to react quicker because you knew what was going to happen. Hope these are insightful, I ll send you more next when I have a chance. Thanks for your time and this opportunity.10 From Coach Dave. Help I have gotten a lot from your site and I need more help We have been having a lot of indoor practices because of the weather Do you have suggestions for effective indoor practices held in a gym My team is made up of 8 year old girls Thanks. I could also use advice on formations for 8v8 that will be played on a large field We are a recreational team, and I am thinking about using two fullbacks by the goal with a stopper in front I am not sure about the number of midfielders and forwards Any suggestions By the way we are using the soccer patch incentives and the Mia Hamm videos, the girls love them Thanks Dave. Our Answer Hi Dave.1 for indoor practices most of the Premium Practice Games work and are the best thing to do Another option are the drills on the Championship Soccer Drills tape, although the Premium games are better.2 for 8v8, there is an 8v8 section on Premium that discusses how to teach a 2-1-2-2, which is a formation I recommend, and a 3-3-1 and 3-2-2 If you use 2 FB s and a Stopper, use 2 MF s and 2 Forwards.11 From Julie, U-10, Pennsylvania USA. My son has played lots of indoor soccer The most successful line-up seems to be 2-1-2, with a roving center like you suggest The best tip he received on defense was to make sure the defense never is flat One pushes up and almost plays as a forward while the other stays back and but to the opposite side This way if the forward defender gets beat he just moves over which is quicker then turning and running The defenders alternate who goes up and who stays back Depending on the experience of the players the coach has them decide or he will direct This can work even at 2nd grade if the players are advance but w ill my son s team really started using this well at U10.12 From Coach Dale, Canada. The center forward should play like a midfielder When on defense, the center plays defence responsible for the top of the box When on an attack the center backs up the wingers providing an option for the winger to pass the ball back The wingers tend to get trapped in the corners trying to pass the ball out in front This creates an opportunity to pass the ball around the defence to the other winger who should be positioned in front of the net Also, when the defence tries to clear the ball it is usually along the boards If the team can control the ball in the offensive zone long enough for the defence to take over this role, then the center can take a position at the top of the keepers box.13 From Coach Kristjan, Nova Scotia Canada. I am a competitive Tier 1 Soccer Coach for Halifax City Wanderers I coach a Tier 1 under 14 Girls city soccer team from Halifax Nova Scotia Canada The following is my one tip of many for indoor soccer.1 Stress the importance of everyone being a striker in indoor soccer that is on the floor Indicate that it is important to shoot at any opportunity when past the half mark and send your fastest strikers 2 in for the rebound. To practise this in a drill have all your players with a ball dribbling it around the gym in a coned off area The Keeper will be in net The players are to do the following at the sound of the whistle or key word.1 one whistle - sprint with ball for 2 seconds then slow down with ball.2 two whistles - change direction with ball.3 turn - 180 degree turn with ball going opposite direction.4 stop - stop with ball on one foot.5 juggle - stop and juggle ball on stop. During this drill the Coach will say players name throughout the drill and the player whose name is called has two touches to kick the ball at the goaltender from wherever that player may be The keeper then passes the ball back to the player and the player then continues dribbling with b all. I find this drill sharpens the players agility with the ball and also improves their reaction time Not only this but it demonstrates that in indoor soccer you can shoot from almost anywhere past half and have a good opportunity to score. Here are two tips for indoor soccer.1 take as many shots as possible as the rebounds off the walls can set up scoring chances.2 Ground passes are necessary in indoor even more so than outdoor due to how small the field is and if the ball is cleared outside the field you will be giving a free kick from that spot. I think you should really stress on teaching how to use the walls, it comes in handy when getting around people, or even centering the ball for a shot.16 From Coach Charles. I m a 4 year rec coach, into my first year as a travel coach 1 outdoor season and I have some questions about indoor soccer I coach a U11 Boys team and we re in between Fall and Spring outdoor seasons The town has offered me the use of gym facility for the Winter and I m t rying to put together a training plan approach I ve checked Soccer Help and gotten good tips, but don t know what size to make the goals indoors 3,4,5 steps And I d like an opinion on whether or not indoor training can be beneficial for outdoor players Are the same type and size soccer balls used indoors i e size 4.Our Answer Hi Charles. Yes, indoor training can be beneficial for outdoor players, but be careful to keep it relevant e g have them play like they would outdoors, except in a smaller area, and don t allow play off the walls. Many of the SoccerHelp games work great indoors, and many were developed indoors. I would make the goals 4 steps wide and scrimmage without a goalie We used painters tape to mark goals on the wall and also used it to mark the floor it is easy to remove and doesn t leave glue. Yes, use the same size ball There are fuzz covered indoor balls like giant tennis balls , but we mostly used regular soccer balls, and I don t think it s worth the cost of the special b alls Have one ball per player.17 From Coach Jason, Australia. There are 3 basic states to the game. Offense - When your team has the ball. Defense - When opponent has the ball. Set Plays - Penalties etc. When in offence all players should break free of their markers and get into Space Spread out evenly across the field Pass instead of running it yourself And keep the game slow But if the other team turned up without subs, speed up and run a lot to tire them out If you can sub and they can t you ll have the advantage. As soon as the ball is handed over, DEFEND Each player has to choose 1 Opponent and mark him Stay with him, on the goal side If everyone on the Opposing team is marked by one of your players they ll find it very difficult to score. If you double up, have 2 defenders on one player then there is an opposing player who isn t covered. Set-play Do not sub on set plays Make sure you practice them as they are one of the best opportunities to score. Other tips Play quickly i e quick shots An unsuspected shot from the Kick-off can take the keeper by surprise As can a shot from behind the halfway line. Keep an eye open, if you see the opposition running off for a sub, pass it to the Man that s been left unmarked.18 From Sasha, 29, goalie in Toronto Competitive Indoor Soccer League. When you re faced with a breakaway - and it happens more often than not, believe me - don t be afraid to come out and challenge the play Just as in hockey, coming out and challenging the attacker will drastically cut down on the visible net they can shoot at While doing this, don t go down too soon By keeping on your feet and holding your arms and hands down low, you block most of the net.19 From Sasha, 29, goalie in Toronto Competitive Indoor Soccer League. Talk to your defence, especially during corner attacks When an attacker is at the side of your goal, your ideal position is against the post standing tall, with a defenceman covering the center of the crease in case of a centering attempt It is up to you to coordinate this, and can be accomplished as simply as yelling watch the center.20 From Shane, Melbourne, Australia. From personal experience the greatest key t o success in indoor soccer is passing. I see too many players who play indoor soccer like it is outdoors, they try to take on too many defenders with fast ball handling dribbling only to get caught or double-teamed and loose the ball An indoor soccer field is too small to play like this the defenders are too concentrated Also, you are constantly on the move in indoor soccer so if you continue to attack in such a fashion you are not going to have the energy to defend. Call for the ball. Make leads, don t just stand there n If you want the ball passed to you, run to open space so you are open for a pass This will give your teammate with the ball a passing opportunity Ideally, run to open space forward, not toward your own goal. Don t wait for a pass to come to you, run to meet the ball This will prevent interception Otherwise, it s easy for the man marking you to step in front of you and steal the ball. Don t try to be a hero and take on the whole team by dribbling too much. 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